una mentira a la vez

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Episode : One Lie at a Time

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The Alvarez siblings and Andrea was eating their dinner, but stopped by seeing Penelope walk in the room.

"Oh, someone looks nice." Andrea compliments the mom.

"Oh, gracias," Lydia chuckles, smiling to the girl. "I learned to do the contouring on the Youtube."

The elderly women turns back at her daughter. "Oh! She looks nice, too. Interesting."

"Very interesting," Elena copied, but was also curious herself.

"Should I be interested? Because I'm not," Alex replied.

"What are you guys talking about?" Penelope rolled her eyes, clearly avoiding the noticeable hints.

"Lupita, it is Friday at 7 pm. Usually by now, your sweatpants are on and your bra is off," Lydia bluntly explains.

"You have a date," Elena exclaimed to her theory.

"You have a date?" Andrea gasps.

"What? Can't I just shower, put on lipstick and nice clothes just for myself? Yeah, I'm not even buying it." The mom gave up trying to hold onto the secret.

"Yes, why not be honest? Mira, for ejemplo, I am going to church tonight to feed the poor. There, I said it," Lydia spoke out.

"Okay, fine. It's a date. Just a casual drink, not a big deal. I met I'm through a friend. He will never replace your papi. No, he's not Cuban."

"Your date no longer interests me," Lydia said, in annoyance.

"Anyway, I gotta go soon, but I forgot Abuelita and I are both doing something. Alex, what're you doing tonight?" Penelope went to investigate her children's plans.

"Chilling at Finn's house." Alex answers, making Andrea roll her eyes by just the sound of that kid's name.

"Didn't you just say this morning that you had so much homework to do this weekend and that Andrea will help you?"

"Finn has this genius idea to fill up a shopping cart with candy and ask girls if they wanna hop in our sweet ride."

Andrea couldn't help but smile at the stupid idea, she had to admit, it was amusing.
Dumb in many ways, but in a fun kinda way.

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