pt. dos

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Episode : Quinces

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Andrea always thought Alex was exaggerating when he states how big his family was, she honestly thought he was joking, but when seeing the number of people that were in the Alvarez apartment she finally believed him.

Everyone was doing something to help with the quince tomorrow, uncles were cutting paper, aunts were fixing the flowers, as the two kids documented the entire thing.

As Alex and she panned to the florist, she caught the actions of a stressed, over-worked mother, trying to prepare a quince.

Penelope yelled, "Don't freestyle. Stick with the picture. Follow Olguitita's example. And what the hell is a carnation doing in here?"

The kids quickly put the cameras down to deal with the situation, before the mom bust a vein.

"Mami, a word?" Alex asked, as the two dragged the woman away.

"When was the last time you've had sleep?" Andrea raised a brow.

"Two days ago. Yeah, but don't worry. I take little power naps when I pee," She answers.

"Maybe you should lie down," The boy suggests.

"'Maybe you should lie down'," The woman mocks.

"What?" The kids questioned, in sync.

"Sorry. There's just a lot to do. And people say they want to help and friggin' Tina's over there doing her own thing like she always does." The mother pulled to Andrea. "Keep an eye on her."

Penelope quickly ran to Elena's room, seeing the white beautiful gown, once again.

"Hey, guys, what's taking so long?" She noticed the person on the laptop screen. "Oh, hi, Carmen."

"Hi, Ms. Alvarez," The goth girl greets, with her same monotoned voice.

"Uh... sorry you can't come to the quinces, but glad you could make it to the final fitting."

"Elena wanted me to weigh in on her dress. It's gorgeous."

"La diabla líes," The grandmother exclaimed, shutting the screen down shut. "I have tried everything. I have taken away the frills, I have put on the frills. I have made it longer, I have made it shorter. But she is being impossible!"

"I told you I love every version of it," Elena argues.

"See what I mean?"

Penelope sighs, "Ay, mami, we don't have time for this."

"If the dress were truly perfect, she would be so overcome with emotion, her eyes would fill with tears."

The teenager says, "Maybe what you're picking up on, is that... I'm not really comfortable in wearing a dress."

"Of course, you are not comfortable. It's called being a woman. I am in agony all of the time, but I look amazing."

"Not sure this is a lesson I want to be teaching, but I so want to check this box." Penelope shows her checklist.

"All I'm saying is that I'm really figuring out what I am comfortable in," The girl explains, "Last week, I went to a thrift store and I got some jackets, some ties, a fedora, a pinstripe suit."

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