pt. tres

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Episode : Quinces

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In the empty Alvarez apartment, Penelope slept beautifully on her bed, with a missing table chart, as the sun shined toward her window.

Suddenly, she gasped herself awake, "The Rosa Parks table should not be in the back!"

Her brain slowly processed everything around her.
A blanket on her body, a glass of water on the nightstand, and her clock stating a very late time.

"10:03?! Oh, my god! Is it morning? Oh, my god!"

She jumps out of bed, running to the living room, to see the house clean and organized, not filled with her family and a total mess of a house.

"Did I die? Is this heaven?"

A knock came on her door. "Open up, it's Schneider."

"Oh, god, it's hell," She groans.

The woman opens up the door to see a handsome landlord, in a nice suit and no glasses.

"I got one last pick up. You," The man says, with a smile on his face.

"What is going on?" Penelope questioned, "The Cubans are missing, my seating chart is gone and I'm kinda attracted to you? Nothing makes sense."

"Chill girl."
"Oh, that helps when you talk. Thank you."

"I am here to take you to your daughter's quinces," He explained, "So, get in that bedroom and put on all your clothes. Whoa, I've never said that to a woman before."

Penelope grabs the collar of his suit jacket. "Don't mess with me weirdly sexy Schneider. How did this happen? Who is in charge?"

All that Schneider could confirm was that.
"It's handled, boo."


At the venue, two kids with clipboards took the orders in their sister's quince.

"Nice work, Jay," Andrea complimented.

"Tina, there's no confetti on Frida Kahlo," Alex scolds his aunt.

The two kids then noticed Penelope in a stunning navy blue dress, admiring what work the kids had made of the party.

"Now, I'm in heaven," She sighs.

"Immigrants..." Alex says.
"We get the job done," The two kids state.

The mother hugged the two. "I can't believe you pulled this all together. Look at the centerpieces! Ay, Tina. Muy bien hecho."

Turning back to her kids, she asked Alex, "Have you seen your papi?"

"No. But I'm seeing too much of something."

Of course, the boy was gesturing toward Penelope's deep cut on her dress.
Andrea said, "Ignore him, you look amazing, Ms. Alvarez!"

"Awe, thank you, Bicho. I have to say, you look really nice yourself... but too nice, are you trying to impress someone?"

The girl laughed, "Who would I be impressing?"

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