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Episode : Quinces
Outfit :

Episode : QuincesOutfit :

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Penelope and Elena were sitting down, looking at the small jeweled crown the quince girl was wearing on her head.

The teenager states, "Mom, a tiara is a backward symbol of how women are only valued for their beauty. And now that I'm wearing one... I don't care. I look awesome. And it's super sparkly!"

The two shrieked in happiness.
The days were getting closer and closer to Elena's quinces, the birthday that the year was leading up to.

"I'm so glad you like it. Cause tomorrow's your quinces, and your only job is to be happy," Penelope smiles, before turning around to her crew, "Listen up, grunts."

The crew was only a total of five: Lydia, Schneider, Alex, Andrea, and Don.
The Wilkins man wanted to help, it was the least he could do after everything they've done for Andrea. Of course, he didn't know what he put himself into.

"In 55 minutes, we have the final venue walkthrough. And you hear that rumble? Oh, yeah. That's the wouldn't of 183 Cubans arriving in Los Angeles. 17 of whom will be staying in this room."

"Er," The landlord warns, "fire code-wise, I don't think that's gonna——"

"Shut it!" She gets down on the man's face. "I am going on no sleep and five Cuban coffees. Do you really want to mess with me right now?"

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