pt. dos

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Episode: The Turn

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At her school, they made a field trip to some museum for all the students in her grade.
She wasn't really in the mood for a good luck charm or smiles; Alex is to thank for that.

She would never understand why the boy was so angry, how he accused her of not 'understanding' his side. Andrea only wanted him to be nice to his mom and abuelita, apologize because he was being a jerk.

Piling onto the bus, the Hinojosa sat by the window, already plugging in her earbuds for music and passing time. Looking to the front, she saw Alex get on, and the two made eye contact.

That was quickly disrupted when some random girl came and sat down next to Andrea, without asking otherwise.

The trip wasn't bad, Andrea would constantly hear Elena talk about the museum, especially a specific one about astronomy.
Getting off the bus, she felt a hand try and grab her arm, but knowing that it was Alex, she walked away. For once this time, she wanted him to apologize, not bargain to compromise.

Walking into the building, she ended up having to be a part of Alex's group, from the teacher's claim of rules. She only gave them a greeter smile, before not really talking to any of them.
Ales would try to have her speak, but she wouldn't break so easily.

The boy would give her a compliment, how the stars wouldn't outshine her, that she looked pretty when the colored glass window displays lit her face.
Despite her hearing, she would ignore every single one, no matter how cheesy or sweet she wanted to comment on.

When her phone had put on a Spanish song, she didn't care and sang it quickly to herself. When coming to pass another group of students, from another school, a boy knocked her phone out of her hands. She reached to grab it, but the random kids got to it first.

Everything seemed to be fine, until the blonde boy looked at what she was listening to, making his face curl disgustedly.

"Gracias," She thanked, gesturing to have her phone.

As the kid put the phone in her hand, he muttered, "Wetback."

Hearing the slur slither in her ear, making her blank out, not knowing what she should do or say, maybe he didn't even say what she thought he said.

"What did you call me?" She spoke, out loud, causing all eyes to turn to her.

He groans, "I called you a wetback. Aren't you a Mexican?"

"You can't call me that! You have no right."

"Who cares? You Puerto Rican, Spanish? You all fit the same description — brown. I can call you that because you are beaner, greaser, wetback. Geez, calm your ass down and go back to Mexico."

The more he talked, the more he had got in her face. She was appalled by his behavior, but she didn't know what to do with herself. Should she fight him? Ignore me? Call him out?
She had never been in this situation before.

"I call it how I see it, and you can't do anything about," He taunts, "You can't shit about it——"

Suddenly a punch was throw, leaving the white boy to fall to the ground, and Alex standing by Andrea's side. Automatically, she put an arm on the Alvarez, pulling him away to not do any more damage than he already did for her.

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