el turno

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Episode: The Turn


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The Alvarez's and Andrea were all at Alex's game. With the boy's family cheered for everyone on the team, as the girl had to move around and take pictures around the field.

"Dale, Dylan, dale. You got this!" shouts Penelope, but the baseball ended up hitting his side, to go to the base.

"Ay, por el amor de Dios... it's so hot," complained Lydia, as she takes her cold bottle of rum and gently coating her skin with it.

On the other side of the field, Andrea was snapping pictures for the team, until someone called for her. She turns around to see a familiar car pull into a parking spot.

"Dad!" She waves, seeing him get out and come to her. "What are you doing here? I thought you had that meeting."

"They canceled last second. Besides, I always wanted to see Alex play."

Meanwhile, Penelope decided to eat, asking her mother to take out all the food they brought.
"Okay, let's eat. Mami, comida."

The older woman named their foods, as she pulled out the containers. "Okay, the rice and the frijoles are in the pickle jar... and the lechón is in the butter tub... and the cookies are in the cookie tin, but they are not the same cookies that came with the tin."

"We forgot the napkins," The mother groans, turning to Schneider and Elena. "Grab some from the snack bar. They always make you buy something, so one of you needs to create a distraction. Elena, do that thing and ask if there's high-fructose corn syrup in the ketchup, and then when she's boring the guy to death, grab the napkins and run."

"Or I could just buy something?" Schneider suggests.

Meanwhile, Andrea was showing her father the pictures she had already taken.

"These are great! I didn't know you liked to do photography," Don sighs.

"I started about two years ago, I only did it for the school yearbook, but I grew to like it, a lot."

"Hey, um... I gotta tell you something." The father changes the subject.
Andrea couldn't help but feel nervous about her father's sudden abrupt news.

Back to the snack bar, Schneider and Elena had to grab the napkins, going about it Schneider's way. It was then that the man can actually speak a little bit of Spanish, ordering his drink, in the language.

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