Count Your Blessings, Not Your Disses

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Author's Note: Thank you all for reading. I hope you enjoy the chapter :)

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Tucking the loose strands that invaded her face behind her ear, Sean looked on at Ariana as she slept peacefully. Wide awake, taking in every bit of her as she slept, Sean smiled as he noticed the little things that made up the uniqueness that was her. To the world, she was this pop princess, but to him, Ari was just normal and laid back with her own fetishes that he had come to realize that made up the best of her. Taking these few moments, Sean wanted to remember this morning as the morning where he discovered all her imperfections to realize she was just about close to perfection in his eyes. Getting lost in the trance that was her, Sean was torn out of his reverie of her by the movement of her. Stirring awake from her slumber, Ariana slowly lifted her head to see that Sean was wide awake, looking back at her.

“Was I snoring?” Ariana asked as she instantly became paranoid with how Sean was looking at her

“What? What makes you say that?” Sean asked

“Because, you’re looking at me like….did I drool on your chest?” Ariana asked as she became horrified at the thought of drooling on her boyfriend

“No…well there was that little puddle….” Sean began to say as Ariana quickly became red with embarrassment, causing him to laugh

“Oh, my God” Ariana quickly replied as she propped herself up on the bed, whipping away at any possible drool that could’ve been on Sean

“Babe, no. I was just joking. I was joking with you” Sean laughed as he leaned towards her

“You shouldn’t joke like that, you know I dream about that stuff” Ariana pouted as he leaned in to kiss her

“I know, it was such a cruel joke” Sean laughed as he kissed her

“And yet you feel it was necessary for you to do it” Ariana replied as she broke the kiss, playfully hitting him on the chest “You’re beyond cruel” she smiled

“Me being cruel did wonders for you last night” Sean smirked as she recalled the things he had done to her last night during their passionate encounter between the sheets

“That bit of cruel….” Ariana began to say as Sean leaned in to kiss her neck “That bit of cruel I can handle, enjoy even” she giggled as he began to kiss her spot, letting a moan escape her lips

“I have to say, I’m actually a bit upset that you didn’t win. Sam is good and all, but I thought that your work on My Everything was superior in that category” Sean said

“Spoken from the bias point of view” Ariana replied

“No, spoken from someone that’s seen the work you put in. Seen how you’ve progressed from Put Your Hearts Up to Love Me Harder….” Sean began to say as Ariana groaned, hiding her face in his chest as the memory of her first bubble gum pop song was enough to drive her crazy. Chuckling to himself, Sean knew she hated the reference to her old song “I know, but it’s a part that shows your progression” he stated

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