The Moments That Define Us

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Finish up his verse and ad libs on the track, Sean looked at his sound engineer guy, Rob, to see that everything was good. Taking his headphones off, Sean put the headphones on the podium before making his way out of his studio to take his seat on the bean bag. Playing with the toy car that he had, Sean listened on as Rob played the track back for him. Mentally taking notes on the things that he needed to change, Sean always felt like the first try was the rough draft to where he wanted it to be, no matter how good Rob would proclaim it to be. Once the track was over, Sean must’ve had over fifty things he wanted to change but his natural instinct was to hear a familiar track.

“Play the track I did with Ari” Sean told him as Rob looked for the digital track to play. For a moment, the two of them vibed out to the song, each getting lost in how good Ariana sounded on the track.

“Is this on your album or hers?” Rob asked over the loud music

“Hers” Sean replied with a bit of a smile

“She sounds crazy good on this. You guys got that Jay and B vibe going on tracks now” Rob laughed

“She got that voice” Sean smiled “Probably get her to do a track for the album. I got a lot of ideas” he said

“I’d utilize that voice” Rob told him

“Yeah, I most definitely will. That’s the homie right there” Sean said as he got comfortable on his chair before he reached for his phone, hoping that he would’ve heard from Ariana but saw no such thing. Looking on his missed call list, Sean saw that Malika had called and could only put off the task of calling her back until later. Thinking for a moment, Sean felt himself drifting off in thought as to where and what Ariana was up to. They’d talk here and there since work picked up for Ariana, but the past couple of days had him more worried than normal because he hadn’t heard of her being in the studio or on social media like she typically was these past couple of days

“You lost in train of thought?” Rob asked “You must be forgetting your ass has to show four tracks to Ye soon” he said

“Something like that. Got a lot on the membrane” Sean said after a few moments before he got up from his spot on the bean bag and began to head out of the studio “I’m going to make a quick call, I’ll be right back” he told Rob

“Okay, no problem” Rob told him before he stepped out. Dialing the familiar number, Sean leaned up against the walls in the hallway as he listened to the phone ring.

“What up?” Scooter answered the phone

“Hey man, nothing much. Just thought about you and your wack ass Browns” Sean teased as he could hear Scooter sighing

“We’re turning it around, we’re showing hope” Scooter reasoned

“You can keep telling yourself that” Sean laughed

“Same can apply to your wack ass Lions” Scooter quickly replied

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