PART TWO: Perspective

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Author's Note: Thank you all for reading and leaving comments. They are all greatly appreciated. I hope you like the chapter and will continue to comment.

For An Update:

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[Sean’s P.O.V.]

There were no words to say. I mean for so long, I had lived in this ruse that I hated all in effort to protect my brother and her in some way. Sometimes when you tell a lie, in the beginning you know it’s so absurd that later on down the road, you actually start to believe it and buy into the fact that the lie is worth telling. Well moments before this exact moment, I was more than prepared to keep up the ruse. But now, things have changed, things seem to be peeping up towards the light, unwillingly forcing me to expose it. Looking at the confusion and pleading that was on her face, I know that I can’t keep lying. And in this moment, I’m not sure that I want to, not when it’s costing me more pain.

“Our one year anniversary, today was our one year anniversary” Ariana said as she looked on at me “…you sent this expecting us to make it to one year” she said as she held up the collage of memories we had together “What the hell happened? Why did we really break up? And I want the truth” she questioned as I stood completely speechless.

“You weren’t supposed to get that” I could only manage to say, it was the only thing I could process to say

“But I was supposed to, for our one year together” Ariana replied as we looked on at me “I mean, I get that this could be sent at any point, but….you pick this day of all days, you put thought and time into this. Work was done on this….I know you, you plan for stuff. Which means that you had planned on us celebrating our one year together” she said as tears welled up in her eyes, killing me slowly with each tear that urged to get out “What happened?!? That’s all I’m asking, I deserve to know that. I’ve never asked, so please, give me this now on this day of all days. Call it our conclusion”

“Man, I ain’t going to give no conclusion” I quickly reply as I’m not trying to conclude anything between us

“Then give me something?!?” Ariana exclaimed “The fact that you’re not saying anything in regards to the reason why we broke up, that’s telling me a lot” she stated as a silence came between them. Standing there, looking at her with those pleading eyes, I knew that I couldn’t any longer. “Sean, tell me” she said once more

“We broke up because of someone else” I blurted out without real thought behind what I was saying

“….so there was someone else. You cheated on me???” Ariana questioned as she looked stunned by my admission

“No, we broke up because…..your dad didn’t want us together” I then told her

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