PART TWO: Power Moves (uploaded again)

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Author Note: This isn't a new chapter for some, so disregard this chapter if you have read it. I wanted to post it again for those that didn't get it since the app didn't update the story for everyone.

For an Update:

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 As days past, Ariana and her team were quickly seeing the craze over her new song grow by the minute. What was once perceived as a national shame to her image, Ariana was able to flip it to work for her as material that was showing her grown and mature side. No longer were people looking at her as the girl from Nickelodeon that looked younger than what her age was, Ariana was seeing that people were seeing her differently now. Whether good or bad, Ariana was taking it all in stride and chose to use everything to her advantage, which ultimately led to her doing a sit down interview with Ryan Seacrest, someone she was comfortable with to discuss the situation.

[Ryan Seacrest Interview Transcript]

Ryan Seacrest: So you’re just coming off a whirlwind of a tour, which is giving people more and more exposure to you. Did you ever feel like something like this with the leak would happen?

Ariana: Of course not. I mean, I didn’t come off tour and plot to have an intimate moment with boyfriend leaked for the world to hear. I share my world on stage and on social media, I don’t feel like they need to have bedroom access as well.

Ryan Seacrest: Now you mention that, which leads me to question why you chose to release this track “Naughty” the same day as the audio leak was leaked?

Ariana: I was made aware of the audio, and I was given in a not so pleasant way ample time to stop the leak from happening, in return for a feature on a track….

Ryan Seacrest: So you were blackmailed? By who?

Ariana: I don’t care to mention the individuals name, they know who they are. I don’t care to give shine to someone that would go to that method in order to make music.

Ryan Seacrest: By not giving your feature, you ultimately left yourself open for…pretty much to having this moment leaked for the public. What was going through your mind in that moment? Knowing that this was about to happen?

Ariana: I was scared. Horrified with it all because it’s not what I wanted to have attached to my career. It’s something that I didn’t ask for or seek out.

Ryan Seacrest: How was Sean handling all of this? How was he helping you dealing with this?

Ariana: He was supportive. Regardless of what I chose to do, he was behind all the way. I thank God for him because he’s just been so strong for the both of us throughout all of this. At the time when this was happening, Sean and I were making plans to move in together….

Ryan Seacrest: Have you done so? Move in together?

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