Authors Note

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Hey everyone,
As you've all heard, Ari and Sean have broken up in real life. Just touching on that, I hope that they each continue on with their successes and thrive to be the best at their craft. I don't just like them as a couple, but as people, so I hope the media and fans will allow them to deal with the breakup in their own way and respect it without making it messy. Personally, my heart goes out to them both as I can genuinely say that it was apparent that they were happy and in love to the outsider perspective, which ultimately helped me in narrating the story. I loved their story as a couple and felt they were real in their feelings for each other. I in no way like one more than the other, but I genuinely like them as people which makes hearing the news a bit disheartening.

In the beginning of the day when I heard the news, I was in shock but now it's set in. They have crazy busy schedules and if you look at them, they'd barely have time to see each other and that's all the way into October, which is a long time from now. So it made sense after I thought about. I think it'd be a lot for both of them to have to deal with in constantly trying to put forth all your effort and time into your relationship, when you may just be tired as hell or Hella busy to give that person the attention they deserve. It's common, it happens to couples that aren't in the spotlight. Long distance is no joke, it's a test on patience and commitment. Not that I'm saying they didn't have that, but sometimes it's unfair to add more demands on the relationship than what it's already under with distance. They're both young and at the height of the career, so slowing down isn't in the cards for them for the next few months, even going into next year. They're both good, genuine, real ass people so don't switch up on them because their no longer dating. If you like Sean, then continue liking him; if you like Ariana, then continue on.

So to end, I wanted to be upfront on my thoughts about the situation and relay that I'm unsure if I will continue on with this story. If I were to conclude it, it would be in one final chapter then that'd be it. So it may be awhile before I post as I'm trying to figure out what to do. I appreciate all the feedback from you guys, but it'd be a bit awkward to write about them now, knowing their not together anymore. So I just wanted to be upfront and not string it along with no updates.

I welcome your feedback on what to do with the story or on the couple in real life, i genuinely am looking to you guys to help in this decision since you all are the readers because right now, I'm leaning heavily to one side and don't want to make any brash decision without thinking it over fully.

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