When Death Comes Knocking....

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Author's Note: Thank you all for the positive feedback/comments. If you have any questions about storylines, feel free to ask in comment section. I'm glad you guys liked the Halloween themed chapter, that was probably the freakiest I've ever written. It was just weird to write it for a real life couple, but I guess you gotta look past them as the real life couple and just see them through fictional characters. Anyways, I won't ramble on. I hope you all enjoy the chapter and leave some comments.

For an update:


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Hearing the screams from the crowd, Sean waved on at them while he tried to keep a mindful eye over his mother. Assisting her out of the car, Sean wanted to make sure she was good before walking with security. Riding in the Thanksgiving Day Parade, Myra saw it as a great honor for her son as his successes were only surprising her more and more. Walking along the route that security was taking him, Myra linked arms with her son as they walked. Meeting up with Zeno, Sean once again helped her mother into the waiting suv as they all loaded up in the car to head over to see his grandmother. Getting situated, Sean let out a deep sigh as he was glad to have made it through before his phone began to ring.

“I presume that is Ms. Grande?” Myra asked as she looked on at her son with a knowing smile before Sean just shook his head as he pulled his phone out to see that it was Ariana calling.

“What’s up babe?” Sean asked as he answered the phone

“So, I’m trying out these vegan brownies that I think you may like….” Ariana began to say

“I’m a bit confused as to how a brownie can be vegan” Sean laughed as he replied

“Anything can be made vegan with a little effort” Ariana replied with a bit of a laugh

“You’ll have to save me some because I think your bs’ing me” Sean chuckled “How is everyone?” he asked

“Everyone’s good. They’re asking non stop questions about you” Ariana smiled

“Teasing you?” Sean asked

“Yes, they think I’m all hung up on you. Daydreaming” Ariana replied

“You know it’s true” Sean laughed

“Are you about me? I’d find that hard to believe since you’re in parades waving to thousands of adoring girls that probably melt at your smile” Ariana said

“You  spend way too much time thinking about it” Sean said “I’m thinking about you” he said before he looked over his shoulder to see that his mom was looking on at him

“I’m looking on at these pictures that have been posted on twitter on your turkey giveaway, and I couldn’t be more proud of you” Ariana smiled “Babe, it’s amazing what you did, what you’re doing” she said

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