PART TWO: Revist The End to Start a New Beginning

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Placing each item in their assigned bin, Ariana looked on at the pile that was beginning to form in the bathroom. Glancing over at Sean, Ariana rolled her eyes as he was truly accessing the piles that they had both created. Deciding to go through his bathroom drawers at her house, Ariana was willing to do anything to keep him from complaining about it all the time. Sifting through the pile once more, Sean nodded as he slowly came to the acceptance of the piles that they had come up with.

“Okay, this is doable” Sean said “I do require that by do-rags have their own drawer, so I may need to take the extra….” He began to say

“Not a chance in hell” Ariana quickly replied “That drawer you’re trying to invade is for my feminine products” she stated

“My do rags are for my wave problems” Sean replied

“I really don’t see the purpose of you taking now three and half drawers? I mean you got your brushes in their own, which is highly questionable. Your cologne and sample body washes. Hygeine products, and now you’re requesting a do rag drawer?” Ariana questioned

“Let’s not get into reasons for drawers. The Cat ear drawer could easily go into the bedroom” Sean replied

“Are you trying to ruin your revived sex life??? You do not speak of the Cat ears as if they’re interchangeable with just any drawer” Ariana reasoned

“Okay, fine. I’ll hold off on my raid of your feminine drawer due to the fact that I want to continue raiding your feminine parts” Sean told her a she gave a mischievous smile as he walked over towards her, put his hand on her waist before giving her a kiss

“What are your plans?” Ariana asked once she broke the kiss, playing with his shirt collar

“Rehearsing with the fam, Cruel Winter Tour is coming closer by the minute” Sean told her “You going into the studio?” he asked

“For a bit, I’m going to hang with Nona and my mom a bit. Do a bit of shopping and prep for the big Thanksgiving feast” Ariana smiled happily

“The holidays are coming so quick, next thing upon us will be Christmas” Sean said  

“The holidays together, that sounds so good” Ariana smiled as she leaned forward to give him another kiss

“Don’t forget, my studio guy is coming out to look at the add on to give us an estimate” Sean told her

“I’ve programmed it in my phone, I already remember. I’m beyond excited about converting it into a relaxation room” Ariana replied

“I know, I think the ideas we gave him, he’ll come up with something good with them. It’d be even better once my drawers are intact” Sean teased as he let go of his embrace of her before giving her a smack on the but “While you’re shopping, you should get me little bins to put in my drawers” he told her as he gave her another quick kiss on the lips “Love you” he laughed as he kissed her before he slowly backed away.

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