Chapter 39: Humanities Last Hope....

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You glanced at the head quickly for a second, then dropped down to the patched up ground and sobbed your heart out. You hunched over the ground and sobbed out loudly. [ Levi..... You're gone.... It's all my fault...] As you continued to sob, a large hand landed on your shoulder. " ( Your name)....'' You looked up and widened your eyes. Then started to sob even more. " Erwin...... L-Levi.... He's gone...." Erwin sighs and kneels down to your level. '' ....Yes, however, we must get you out of here quickly....'' You looked up at him with a confused expression. '' W-Why?'' '' Because the crowd is about to start a riot on how furious they are that Levi has been executed. So let's go.'' Erwin grips your arm and brings you all the way back to headquarters. He brings you into his office and locks the door behind him. You look down and clench your fists tightly. Erwin glances at you and sighs. '' ( Your name).... we need you to escape from within the walls.''' You widened your eyes and looked up at him. '' What?'' Erwin did not respond with words, instead, he gripped your wrist and pulled you out of his office.

The both of you ran up to the Gates of Wall Rose. At the gates was a horse and a hooded figure. You had a confused expression as Erwin pushed you towards the horse and the cloaked figure. " Go. I need to go settle down the riot at the town square. Both of you.... be safe while you're out there.'' '' Erwin-'' You didn't finish your sentence due to Erwin being long gone already. You sigh and walk up to the cloaked figure. " Where are we going....." The cloaked figure looks down at you and lifts your chin up to look into his eyes. You widened your eyes as you looked up and into the figure's eyes. " Home...."

( Author's Note): This was a quick chapter. PLEASE COMMENT, FAVORITE, FOLLOW, AND ADD TO YOUR LIBRARY!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!

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