Chapter 17: True Loves Test

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Levi's Point of View:

" (Your name)." I said once more. (Your name) turned around and stared into my eyes. Before I could say another word, a booming voice interrupted me from doing so. " Levi! Step back!" I turned around to see that the person yelling was Erwin. " Levi!" He yelled once more. " I will not." I responded. Suddenly, I felt something cold wrap around my hand. I gazed down and saw that (Your name) clasped both her hands with my own. (Your name) returned back to her human form, except her eyes. She stared at me with an emotionless expression. " It's fine Levi. It would be best if I leave." " No! I-I will let you have a court hearing! Ple-" " Thank you, Levi. However, I should be leaving now. Good-bye." (Your name) replied while releasing her hands. As she passed by me, I quickly turned around to see her depart. Her wrists faced upwards and out, while her fists were clenched. " What are you doing?' Erwin asked threateningly. " I'm making it easy for you. I won't struggle." Why (Your name)? The blonde Commander nodded and waved his hand in the air, signaling the Military Police. " Have Cadet (Last name) in custody. Everybody else, retreat back to base camp!" I stood frozen in my place. Just watching the Military Police take away (Your name). Finally, my senses came back to me. " Wait!" I ran after them, however, a large man blocked my path. " Levi...It's better this way." " How?! She's innocent!" " Open your eyes, Levi! (Your name) isn't human. She's a monster just like the titans!" I punched Erwin in the face causing to fall backwards on his forearms. " (Your name) is nothing those disgusting, incoherent fiends. When we reach back to headquarters, I will have a court hearing for her." I replied darkly. " Le-" " Shut the hell up! I already lost the majority of my squad! I will NOT lose (Your name)!" Erwin did not dare to speak another word and instead stood up abruptly to walk away.

We finally reached base camp safely. On the way here, some abnormal titans followed us back from the forest. We were forced to dispose of all our fallen soldiers from the wooden cart. My heart feels heavy and swollen with pain. My entire soul, shattered from the intense emotional impact. Petra, Erd, Oulo, and Gunther were dead and set free from their human form. (Your name) taken into custody by Erwin and the Military Police. I should have never left them all alone. It's all my fault we all are in this situation. I sat down on a wooden picnic table and stared at the group to the far left. There lied (Your name), the Military Police surrounding her with their sword in each of their hands. (Your name) had a cloth wrapped around her eyes. Probably because of their odd color. I stood up from my seat and walked over to them. One of the four men held out their sword towards me. " I am sorry Corporal Levi, however, you may not go any further without authorization." I stared at the man with a dark aura around me. " Get that damn sword out of my sight before it turns against you." The man widened his eyes, slowly his arm shriveled back in fear. " Tch, coward. Leave me be with the prisoner." " Cor-" I gave the man a death glare that would haunt anyone's nightmares. The guard quickly shut his mouth and fled the scene with the other three men. The Military Police are full of cowards. " Why?" I heard (Your name) mutter. I turned back to her. " Why what?" " Why can you not accept my fate to die? I'm a monster just like everybody says I am." (Your name), please don't say those words. You're not a monster! " Don't let those brats words corrupt your state of mind. You are not a monster at all!" (Your name) raised her head and shaked it. " I'm a ghoul, Levi. There is nobody else like me in the world anymore. I never asked for this dreadful fate, however, it's too late. Ple-" " No! Everybody is dead (Your name)! Petra, Erd, Gunther, and Oulo! You and I are the only ones left. I cannot lose another person I care for. Especially, if that someone is the one I love most in the world!" I yelled. A tear slipped through her blindfold. I gently placed my hand on her cheek. " I don't know what to do." (Your name) confessed. " You do not have to do anything. I will set up a court hearing when we reach headquarters." " What if they refuse?" " That will not happen. I won't let it."

(Auhtor's Note): Please comment on how well I am doing so far in this book. Since, this Friday is Halloween, I will let all of you choose on what I should do in the next chapter. It could be anything you like! If this chapter receives 10 votes by tomorrow, I will upload the next chapter, QUICK!!! PLEASE COMMENT, FAVORITE, ADD TO YOUR LIBRARY, AND FOLLOW!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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