Chapter 27: Love Is A Wonderful Term

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Two hours went by you just sleeping in the infirmary. Often, you would wake up, however, you would immediately fall asleep afterwards.

* Knock* * Knock*

The door opened and in came Levi, Eren, and Mikasa. " Oh, she's asleep. Let's just-" " Hey! Wake up, brat. Supper." " Corporal Levi!" Eren whispered out loud. You rolled over to your right side, facing Levi with your meal. " I'm not hungry." You complained. " Shut up and eat the damn meal." As Levi brought you as spoonful of stew, you quickly covered your mouth. " I can't eat that." You muffled. " Why not?" You removed your hand and sat up. " Human food cannot be consumed by a ghoul. The taste is foul." " Then how have you been eating?" Eren asked with curiosity. " Before I eat any human meal, I sprinkle a specific herb in it so that I may consume the minerals. However, I don't have any with me right now." " What is the herb?" " Parsley." Mikasa nodded and stood up. " What are you doing, brat?" " I'm going to go get the herb. Eren, let's go." " Fine." Mikasa left the room with Eren following close behind her. Suddenly, your stomach grumbled. [ No! I can't do that!] " Are you hungry?'' '' Levi, please leave." Levi gave off an irritated expression. " Why?" " Because I don't want you to get hurt." " What-" " I want to eat you! Ghouls eat humans when they are in this state! That's why I want you to leave." You begged. No response came from him except the shuffling of clothes. You looked at Levi and widened your eyes. " Levi, what are you doing?" Levi exposed his left shoulder and collarbone for you. " Tch, annoying brat. Hurry up! You're hungry aren't you?!" '' No! I don't want to harm you!" Quickly, Levi grabbed the back of your head and pulled you towards the pure meat. " Stop whining and eat!" Once you took a whiff of his intoxicating scent, you were in a frenzy. Opening your mouth wide, you took a bite of Levi.

In response Levi hissed out in pain. [ What am I doing?!] Slowly, you removed your mouth and looked at the man. Your eclipsed eyes were crying and you couldn't stop the constant flow of tears. Levi's blood was smeared all around your small mouth. " Why are you crying?" " I-I've never done that before, a-and I never wanted it to be the one I love most." Levi embraced you and stroked your soft hair. " I love you. People that love one another would do anything for them. Therefore, stop crying brat. I did this action out of love." However, you could not stop crying. The cries were not full of screams, instead it consisted of you mostly hiccupping.

After five soild minutes of crying, you stoppped and fell asleep. However, you had never let go of Levi's hand. " We're back!" Eren announced out loudly. " Shut up, brat! I just put her to sleep." Levi scolded quietly. " We have two bags of parsley. Give these to her when she wakes up." Mikasa gave Levi the two bags of parsley and both Cadets left the infirmary together. Bending over to the night stand, Levi blew out the remaining candle. " Move over. I want to sleep with you, brat." Once the man scooted over your sleeping body, he lied down next to you facing your transuculent face. " Brat. But, you are the only one I can stand."

( Author's Note): Thank all of you for the great support! Happy Thanksgiving, even though I do not celebrate it! PLEASE COMMENT, FAVORITE, ADD TO YOUR LIBRARY, AND FOLLOW!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!

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