Chapter 32: Do You Still Love Me?

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* Bang*

The sound of a door slamming open startled you. " Ow!" A voice yelled. You looked towards the doorway. It was Hanji and Levi. " Look!" Hanji looked at you and grinned widely. " It worked!" Levi slammed her face against the floorboards, then back up. " What are you talking about?" Hanji stood up and pushed Levi away. " After I gave ( Your name) her medicine, I also gave her my experimental pill. A testosterone one, and it worked!" You sat up with the blanket covering your bare chest. Unfortunately, Hanji tore the blanket away from your chest. " Why are you covering yourself? You're a male!" " It still feels odd to be seen without a shirt! Male or not." Levi walked to the both of you and slapped both of you on the back of the head. You didn't react much, however, you couldn't say the same about Hanji. " Stop!" Hanji yelled. " Then stop experimenting on ( Your name). How long does it last?" "It lasts until tomorrow morning. Unless..." Levi quirked up an eyebrow. " Unless?" Hanji started to sweat nervously. " Um, Levi. May I talk to you in private?" Before Levi could ask why, Hanji dragged Levi outside of the room. You were confused, yet, you didn't interrupt their conversation. After three minutes of waiting, both Levi and Hanji entered back into the room. However, Levi had wide eyes when he entered. You looked at Levi and wondered why he had wide eyes. " Levi, what did she say to you?" Once Levi heard your voice, Levi turned back to his emotionless expression and looked your way. " Nothing." You shrugged and shook off the thought.

" ( Your name). May I ask a question?'' " What." You said unamused at the current situation. " Why are you shirtless?" " I don't have any spare clothes to wear besides my female clothes." Hanji rubbed her chin in thought, then smiled brightly. " Judging by your size, you can fit into Erwin's uniform. Of course I would have to explain the situation. However! I shall do it none the less. I'll be right back!" As the scientist left, you stood up and walked to the mirror. There stood in the reflection was a tall, shirtless man. Same ( Skin color) tone, strong built abdomen, and a built facial structure. Although you were the male yourself, you couldn't help but feel a little attracted to the reflection. " Stop admiring yourself in the mirror, brat." You turned around, smirking in a devilish way. " I can do anything I desire to." " For example?" You walked up to Levi. " Wh-" You cut him off Levi by pinning him against the wall and kissing him. Levi blushed and struggled to escape your grasp. After a while, you released him. " What the hell brat?!" " You keep doing that to me, so I wanted you to know how it feels to be in that position." Levi blushed once again and pushed you away. " At least I do it with some clothing!"

The door opened, revealing Hanji with one of Erwin's uniform. " I'm ba-" Hanji stopped talking once she looked at us. Levi's blush was still on his face from the previous gesture. " Levi! You're embarrassed!" Hanji started to laugh hysterically. You took the uniform from Hanji's hands and pushed her out of the room. You turned around to face Levi. " I'm sorry." " Tch. Just hurry your ass up, brat." You nodded and changed into the uniform. Three minutes later, you were finally changed and ready to go. " Does it fit well?" " It's a little bit tight on the chest, but, everything else is fine." Levi nodded. " Levi, may I ask a question?" " What is it brat." " Where are we going?" " We have to go to town to discuss with the Garrison Regiment for the defense plan against the female titan if she breaks in within the walls." [ Annie! I have to warn them about Annie! They'll believe me! I hope...] You walked to the door and turned around. " Come on Levi. I have something urgent to warn everybody in the Garrison and Scouting Regiment."

( Author's Note): While I was going to make this part, I saw a feature called Analytic and clicked on it. When I did, it showed where my book has been read in the world. Here are the countries:

1. United States

2. Canada

* Central America...

3. Mexico

4. Honduras ( Hello Andrea! ^_^)

5. Costa Rica

* South America...

6. Brazil

* Europe...

7. United Kingdom

8. Ireland

9. Spain

10. Poland

11. Estonia

12. Lithuania

13. Finland

14. Switzerland

15. Belgium

16. Romania

17. Greece

18. Italy

19. Turkey

20. Germany

21. Austria

* Asia...

22. Japan

23. Indonesia

24. Thailand

25. Philippines

26. Bangladesh

27. India

28. Malaysia

29. Saudi Arabia

30. South Korea

* Africa

31. Alegeria

32. South Africa

* Other important regions... ( I'm sorry, I don't know what their called in English.) 

33. Australia

34. New Zealand

To all of you around the world... THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE COMMENT, FAVORITE, FOLLOW, AND ADD TO YOUR LIBRARY!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!! By the way, FIRST CHAPTER OF 2015!!!!!!!

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