Chapter- 23-He likes you.

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A hardened heart won't protect you from heartbreak.It'll protect you from living - Yasmin Mogahed.

Sanam's POV

Past few weeks, life was moving on par with a slow motion picture.Every single day looked like it wouldn't end.I felt like I had enough of this world. The closer I got to Allah the more I yearned to meet him.My broken heart had squeezed away whatever attractions it harboured towards this temporary dunya.I had moved on from my broken engagement but the scar kept giving away, it wasn't strong.I learned sometime back that Dr.Younus wasn't ready for the engagement as he had someone else on his mind.Mikael told me that he had apologised to him on phone.This made me wonder why people force relationship on their kids and risk two lives.Everyone has the right to choose what they like but I wasn't interested in choosing anymore.

Every single day I would imagine how would life after death be.Knowing that Allah has prescibed a time for me to meet him, I was waiting impatiently.The day I understood the true meaning of an ayah from Quran I had become steadfast on my ultimate goal.I wanted to be nowhere but Jannah.The ayah read

Surah Al-Qasas, Verse 60:

وَمَا أُوتِيتُم مِّن شَيْءٍ فَمَتَاعُ الْحَيَاةِ الدُّنْيَا وَزِينَتُهَا وَمَا عِندَ اللَّهِ خَيْرٌ وَأَبْقَىٰ أَفَلَا تَعْقِلُونَ

And whatever things you have been given are only a provision of this world's life and its adornment, and whatever is with Allah is better and more lasting; do you not then understand?

That feeling of standing right in front of the Lord of the Seven skies gave me goosebumps but the ones which I would die to feel. As I looked out of my car window towards the magnificent sky, my heart yearned more to see what was on the other side.The honking car behind me broke my passivity.The cool breeze kissed my cheeks and my hijab flew over my eyes.That moment my lips parted involuntarily and I thanked Allah for creating innumerable invisible elements like air which we forget to acknowledge in our niggardly existance.

Third year of medical school was running smoothly.I felt like it wasn't that tough akin the previous two years.I had resigned from my part time job long back and I got much time to read my medical books.My routine consisted of studying,praying and being away from wolves disguised as humans.I had realised the reality of this world and made up my mind to trust Allah and only Allah.I hardly went out with friends or family and tried spending more time in strengthening my relation with the creator.Mom was kinda disturbed by my seclusion yet she didn't force me into anything which I disliked.

I hadn't been to the orphanage for a while too.Today I had to visit them as mom wanted me to donate a part of the Ramadan alms there.Shaila and Mikael were busy with their engineering projects and mom was the chief examiner in her university.I had a free day as our professors were going out of town for a national conference.

Except for university, orphanage was the sole place where I went alone.Mom explained me once that Quran teaches us to seek with the wealth Allah had bestowed on us, the home of the hereafter.We have to do good as Allah has been good to us.

I was about a signal away from the orphanage when my phone rang.I stopped in one corner of the road.Lifting it up with my left hand, I managed the steering wheel with the other.It was mom's call.

"Hello,Assalamualaikum Sanam! Did you reach the orphanage?"

"Walaikumsalam mom! Iam almost there.Dont worry I will be back before asr salah." I hung up the phone as I had almost arrived at my destination.I adjusted my hijab looking for the guard.He wasnt around and the gates were closed too.I somehow managed to park my car under the banyan tree outside the gate which embraced almost half of the place.

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