Chapter- 34 - Kiss of destiny

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"When words cannot describe your love towards someone that is what I call true love"- Mohammed Zeyara.


The brilliant winter morning had succeeded to the tempest of night and I rambled down into the garden to feel the breathing of a fresh and fragrant breeze.

I was comfortably revelling in the green fragrance around, and the beautiful soft blue overhead when the guard informed me that Shiraz was driving in.He had been out for some time leaving me the company of Masarrath.Meanwhile, I prayed isha and tried to help Masarrath with her assignment.But time seemed to tick slowly.He had taken with him the serene atmosphere I had been breathing in his vicinity.

He dismounted his black car and walk towards me as I played with the withering roses.

"Night-walking amuses you, huh?" He asked, stopping in front of me.I turned to face him.

"Or were you getting bored without your loving hubby? " He had a strange joyful glitter in his eyes that altered the aspect of his whole face.I could not tell.My lips didn't answer him.

"Will you have some dinner? " I asked, "You must be hungry roaming about in the night! " I wanted to discover where he had been but I did not like to ask directly.

"Well! It's only nine and I have been away from my wife for two hours.But yes I'd love to have dinner with you."

He held my hand in his and walked me in.I had never felt so warm and secure before.His love for me was far greater than mine.

* * *

"Hey! take this one," Shiraz said, stuffing a spoonful of custard pie into my mouth.

" I will have it myself.Why don't you eat it though? "

"The Prophet Mohammed ( Sallallahu alaihi wassallam ) said : You will be rewarded for whatever you spend for Allah's sake, even if it were a morsel of food which you put in your wife's mouth." (SAHIH BUKHARI )

"Jazakallah khair! " I replied.

" Pass me your glass, " he demanded.At first I didn't understand why he was asking for a used one.But when he searched for the spot from where I drank and sipped from the same I got my answer.

As thirsty creatures vying for love, we spend our whole life in the quest for it and at some point the heart wrenching search ends.We either win or lose,there's nothing in between.But today as I look back at my life, I was never a loser.Whatever I had lost was compensated by the ceaseless love of my creator.He had placed wonderful humans in my life to fill the missing pieces.Only the realisation came late.Perhaps its the ego or the Mister right criteria that prevents us from understanding.

At a most miserable period of my life I had a notion of a kind, I lost faith in true love.My life a varied field of hopes and fears,I was afraid to give my heart and soul to someone.But like for every human, Allah had written a perfect story for me.Indeed, I was late in its comprehension.

I have deciphered that there's no comparison between His story and a fairytale.Human imagination would never be able to compete with His flawless direction.

As I stole few looks at my other half, I couldn't help saying alhamdulillah.Someone who loves you for the sake of Allah is hard to find and I got him without even asking for.

"You need not steal glances at me.You can have me altogether, " Shiraz said,holding my chin and bending few inches to meet my eyes.A girly blush crept on my cheeks and I looked away from him.

" You know what? I never knew you were so shy.Nevertheless I love every quality of yours."

"The Prophet Mohammed ( Sallallahu alaihi wassallam ) said : Haya ( shyness ) is a part of faith ( imaan ).

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