Chapter-37-Its never the end

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Life undergoes a major transformation as time passes.Everything changes.While some changes are inevitable some are done deliberately to adjust ourselves to the surroundings and cater our needs.Its always about survival of the fittest in our society.

Having come a long way from those medical school days to the present one the meaning of life for me has altered for good.There were days I was waging a war against the demons within me.Fighting the evil within me.There were nights when my life fell apart.Yet it was often followed by a morning when My Lord put it back together.The broken pieces fitted back perfectly in the strong mould.I still cant believe how my faith had grown leaps and bounds.Praise be upon him! Allah guides whom he wills.

This world was, is and will always be a test.We are all tested in innumerable ways.Some are tested with happiness and some with grief.But a true believer never gives up.A true believer in God remains steady when given both the tests.

All our life we keep trying to pass this test.But I feel somewhere in between we falter in our efforts.We see life as a complicated puzzle.We see it as some irresolvable mystery.Indeed it may appear to be sometimes.But many a times we lack short of wisdom.We fail to comprehend the reason behind those hardships.

In those times of testing we all rethink our existence.Our heart often argues.

Did we commit so many sins to be punished this way?
Is it never going to get better?
Does everyone has to struggle so much?

We often have this questions in our mind.I have been through few hard roads and the ride has been very bumpy initially.But when I was on a stable path, finally nearing my wordly destination I realised how everything was planned by almighty.I would never have appreciated any little joy had I not been through grief.Perhaps i may not valued every human relation as much as I do today had I not lost my loved ones.

Its human to be thankless for what we have and to always look for what we don't have.There are many material blessings that Allah has given us which we dont pay attention to and take them for granted.

We think we deserve all the happiness in the world.But we never ponder what we actually did to achieve it.Do we love God more than everyone else,more than ourselves?We never even go out of our ways to ask God for it.We dont even know if it is good for us in our life.Only He does.

As I strolled casually in the backyard with a million thoughts swarming through me,mom's words echoed in my mind.

"You know what dear,you should never compare your life with others.You will never be happy if you do so for you will feel the grass is always greener on the other side when it is actually a barren land.Let me explain this to you.

Last week in the newspapers,we saw snaps of a rich and beautiful celebrity couple who had a fairytale destination wedding.Both posed happily for the paparazzi in their million dollar car.Smiling at each other,they appeared very much in love.We looked at how happy they seemed in all their snaps.And somewhere arouses a desire to see ourselves in their shoes.Fantasising more in our wordly lives.

What we didnt know that it doesnt always take a handsome man a beautiful woman and lot of luxury for happy marraiges.It may be that their happiness is temporary like plastic.Sometimes dreamy realities are unreal.What we dont see is the ugly truth that conspires behind closed doors.The legal fights that flashy happy couple had over money,fidelity and their social life.And the divorce that happens months after tying the knot.

What we dont see is what all appears good to the eyes is not always real happiness.That all those smiles dont come from the heart.They are a product of temporary ecstasy you gain with worldly goodies."

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