chapter 3- The boy hater

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"The tongue is like a lion, if you let it loose it will wound someone"- Hazrath Ali (R.A)

Sanam's POV

I walked myself to the bus station.I was to catch a bus to the university. I didn't let mom buy any car for me though I learnt driving for I disliked wanting to spend my mom's hard earned money for my own comfort .I had decided that l would buy a car for myself In Shaa Allah when I become a doctor or start an earning.

On reaching the university my eyes landed on the vast concrete structure. It stood tall and spread wide very much alike the castles in the fairy tales.Complemented with a beautiful garden which had thick canopy of trees and sweet scented flowers.A fountain stood welcoming you right at the entrance.There was a large playground too. I had always dreamt of a college of these likes.Standing there I took in the moment closing my eyes, taking a deep breath and letting the fresh air circulate through my lungs.I loved to smell green.

I had always loved walking barefoot in the grass,sniffing when it rains,closing my eyes whenever the breeze kissed my cheeks.I was much attracted towards nature. I feel man-made things are nothing without nature's mercy. I preferred an evening spent in the serenity of a park to that of a mall.

Walking further I witnessed few large and small groups of students scattered all around the big fountain.Most of them appeared rich whose parents must have paid a fortune to send them here. There were only a handful of students who studied on scholarship.

As I passed by the parking lot I witnessed a guy coming out of a black Mercedes. In a medical school like mine, such guys were meant to be ubiquitous. It made more sense to shut my eyes and pretend like they were invisible. I headed towards the big hall ways. My motto in life was simple-I was clearly never interested in guys! I have crossed oceans and climbed mountains to get here with the intention of acheiving something in life and there was nothing on earth that could distract me from my final destination.

I had dreamt of becoming a doctor since I could hardly spell it. After my dad passed away I would tell my mom that I wished to become a doctor and save people's life.I always thought that it was the best I could do to help human lives.I have been driven by passion to realize this goal.

As I was trying to find my way to the first class I bumped into a girl. She seemed too friendly and cheerful.

"Hello! I mean salaam, I am Naila Ahmed," she introduced herself.

I was never much interested in making friends. I was always a loner in school because I didn't trust people easily. I felt it was better to be alone than having fake and selfish friendships in my life. She was waiting for my reply so I had to acknowledge her and introduce myself.

"Walaikumsalam! I am Sanam Akram," I said greeting her with an awkward smile..

"You have got a lovely name dear!" Naila complimented shaking hands with me. We both had same classes so I walked along with Naila as she went on telling me about how excited she was for the first day. I wasn't listening to her blabber but when she turned to face me I gave her a crooked smile. Somewhere down the line I had kind of forgotten how to smile heartily. I rarely opened up to people and my true emotions were usually masked to hide the pain and insecurities that cripple me.

We found our way into our first class right on time and I sat beside Naila who got busy making new friends. I was kind of zoning out when I heard someone clear his throat. I turned around to find the same guy from the parking lot.He grinned at me and introduced himself.Without even asking for permission he took the seat beside mine.

"I'm Shiraz Haroon and You miss?" He sounded like a total flirt. By God! I hated such boys.

I didn't change my grave expression showing my dislike towards him. When he asked my name in return I gave my answer.

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