chapter-17- A mother's wish.

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The greatest blessings granted to mankind come by way of madness which is a divine gift - Socrates.

Sanam's POV

It was the day I turned twenty.Nonetheless it felt more like any other day for me.My day started off with fajr prayer followed by a nafl prayer to thank Allah for blessing me twenty years of healthy existence.I beseeched Allah to keep me steadfast on my goal of becoming a wonderful muslimah and a successful doctor in the coming years.Life is too short to think that we have many years to become close to Allah,that in our old age we did do good deeds,go for Holy pilgrimages and repent for our mistakes which we have committed life long.You never know when your time's up.

Last month I heard about my high school classmate who had succumbed to a minor typhoid infection. I was devastated by the news.I instantly broke down inconsolably in front of my mom with the phone still in my hand.

She was a very bubbly girl and a beautiful human.I remember vaguely about my first day. I was sitting alone in a cornered bench during the recess and she tried to talk to me.I was my bashful self just introducing myself and looking blankly at her cheery face.When I started getting a little comfortable around her she got transferred to another school and I never met her again.Whatever moments I had spent with her were enough to my heart which felt her as a beautiful soul.I couldn't attend her funeral as I didn't know where she lived.But I prayed for her, a sincere prayer to meet her in Jannah.Mom had consoled me.She said that Allah wished to call her early and that her time was already decreed.

I was in a state of depression for about a week. I would talk less,stayed in my room all day, reading for my exams and praying.My siblings tried to cheer me up many a times but nothing worked on my state of mind.I felt myself drifting back to the same old Sanam sometimes but I got a dream which changed my thoughts. I saw the same girl who passed away a week back enjoying in a garden with white light emanating all round her.Mom said that it was a sign that she is happy and she must be one of those lucky muslim dwelling in the gardens of heaven.Ameen!It calmed me down.She was in a much better place.


Our NGO started off pretty good.We got atleast one patient a week.On Sundays we were holding a support group for the cancer survivors.Mom got some of her colleagues to counsel the depressed souls.Most of the patients were adolescent boys and  women.The females battling breast cancers and the boys had bone cancers or leukaemias.It needed efforts from many but I was happy to learn that it was able to serve it's actual purpose.

Quote from the Holy Qur'an: An-Nahl (16:128)

إِنَّ اللَّهَ مَعَ الَّذِينَ اتَّقَوْا وَالَّذِينَ هُمْ مُحْسِنُونَ

Inna Allaha maAAa allatheena ittaqaw waallatheena hum muhsinoona

For Allah is with those who restrain themselves, and those who do good.


A day earlier mom got a new kaftan top and black hijab for me as a birthday present.The dress was turquoise coloured with black flower print.It was a bit girly but I couldn't refuse her.She gave me a special hijab, a black velvety one which was the priced possession of my granny.It was still untouched like it had never been used before.I ran into my shower hanging my clothes on the stand in the dressing room.

University had become a little hectic lately as only few weeks were left for my finals.We didn't had many theory classes so most of my time was spent in library trying to complete this never ending books.My internal assessment were conducted last week and I had quite nailed it. The finale was the only thing on my mind right now.

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