chapter - 13-Loving Granny and naughty kids!

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'At every end is a new beginning and every beginning has an end '- anonymous

Shiraz's POV

Past few days were quite monotonous for me.University was running as usual and I was trying to concentrate on my studies as my internal exams were due in a week.

The night after the fresher's party I got a call from my friend Mikael that his dad was terminally ill. I had immediately rushed to the hospital after dropping off Sanam at her home. That girl was the most craziest, tenacious person I have ever met in my life. She doesn't trust anyone, doesn't forgive easily and thinks that she can do everything by herself.She is another mystery but uncle's illness was something uncalled for.

Even dad was shocked to hear about uncle Atif's illness as he was his close friend.He had kept his illness to himself and Mikael got to know about it only when he had collapsed and had to be rushed to the hospital.Mikael was like a brother to me.Uncle Atif was dad's close friend and we would often visit their home.Mikael studied in the same school as me but during higher studies he opted for engineering unlike me who took a different path.

I had to revisit the hospital next morning as Mikael was fretting out big time.I had excused myself to get some coffee for him.When I walked back I received the sad news of uncle's death.Mikael was crying Inconsolably and I tried hard to calm him down.I was unaware of someone else who was standing there with glassy eyes.It was Sanam.That was the first time I had ever seen her vulnerable side.Which I thought never existed.She exited the scene with some excuse when she sensed my presence.A middle aged lady, who resembled her asked me to help Mikael with the funeral arrangement.

Later that day on enquiring,Mikael told me that she was his cousin.It was surprising to me as he had never uttered a word about his cousin earlier.I happened to meet her near the portico and when I gave her my condolences she simply nodded and left.I have accepted that I can never understand her.She was more complex than a jigsaw puzzle.


It was Sunday and I was lazying around the pool side.Relaxing my senses,carelessly dangling my legs and reminiscing the past few days.

"Shiraz,you here?" I could hear mom calling out to me .I tightened the robe around myself and walked into the living room where mom was probably looking for me.

"Salam ma! You home today?" I asked arching an eyebrow at her.She was never at home on Sundays.

"Hmmm...Yeah! I had to cancel my appointment with the dietician as your granny is going to visit us today.I was looking out for you to inform about her arrival.Get ready and be home,you know she doesn't like you hanging out much,"she warned.I had mixed feelings.I was happy to meet her after long.But her thinking differed from mine and I would sometime get bored of her advices.

The next two hours, I was getting ready while mom was busy preparing the lunch.Granny doesn't like it when her food is prepared by the cooks.Even now she is the stereotype mother-in-law who would like her daughter-in-law to cook. I liked her attitude for that way atleast we all would be eating together.

Later that morning,I strolled in the garden to have some fresh air.Simultaneously waiting for my granny who would be arriving any moment. However strict grandma might be, she loved me the most amongst all her grandchildren .It feels good to be loved and cared for by a mother figure.It was about midnoon and she was not home yet.Earlier the driver called me informing that he had started for home an hour and half ago.I dialled grandma's phone but she was not answering so I dialled her driver's number instead.He didn't pick either.I was worried so I walked into the parking lot near the entrance.

"Assalamualaikum Shiru,I am here.Finally!" Spoke a voice which belonged to my lovely grandma.

"Walaikumsalam grandma! I had been waiting for you since the past half an hour,why are you late?" I asked pouting and folding my arms on my chest.

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