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Meet Miss Sanam Akram ! She is brave and ambitious.An unapologetic, quirky yet plain Jane who dreams of winning over life.An amazing amalgamation of little sugar and lots of spices.

Losing her father at a young age,life has not been easy for her.Emotional deprivation early in life leaves her devastated and she grows up into a reserved and grave person.Earthy and completely rooted in her values,Sanam's life revolves around her mother and siblings.

She's always been a silent yet difficult kid for her mom.Her obstinate resolutions in life and fearless attitude helps her through the odds.Going to medical school was her biggest dream.A dream whose seed had been sown by her deceased father.

Witness her journey from pessimism to optimism.A journey filled with tears of sadness and laughter.Her heart shatters but the glue of love never lets it apart .


Meet Shiraz Haroon who is her polar opposite. He is carefree, loves his family and enjoys life like there's no tomorrow.

His effervescent nature and handsome face earns him admiration wherever he goes.Pampered all through his life by his dad, Shiraz's father wanted him to join business school but he ends up in a medical school surprising everyone.He has everything he has ever asked for yet there is some big piece missing in his life. Something which he feels as beyond his reach.

What happens when a tough girl and a cool guy cross paths on their way to fulfilling their dreams of becoming a DOCTOR?

A story about discovering the beauty of LIFE through the tale of two different yet so similar humans.

A bumpy ride through strong emotions.
Get ready to feel the essence of humanity,perseverance,solidarity,strong believe and immense faith in God.

Witness the union of two unprecedented humans.Of a beautiful match made in heaven.

Join them in their thrilling journey on this roller coaster called LIFE!

Life is beautiful (A muslim story )Where stories live. Discover now