Chapter-16 - Being Human!

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"If you believe in justice, surely you believe in the hereafter. Because this world is not just"- Nouman Ali Khan.


I have realised that life can never be perfect. I don't deny that there are days when you fall in love with the way your life is going, you feel everything at once but there are days when you loathe it ,when you feel nothing at all.There are moments that you realise that you are not living upto anyone's expectations neither your own family nor your creator.Our heart is a confusing, altering thing.Nothing lasts forever.No bliss lasts forever nor pain does.We fall prey to the whims of this pseudo world at some point in our lives.Perhaps we fall short of faith or we may not be praying for a better hereafter.Yet we want everything best for us in this temporary world.

Allah has sent us in this world for a greater exam and we tend to forget about it and prepare ourselves for this wordly exams which doesn't hold any value in the hereafter.The term forever only implies to the hereafter, the eternal Jannah where we will live forever inshalllah.

We humans are much evolved creatures but we still have those greedy desires in our hearts which destroy the very purpose of existence. Allah has created a beautiful Jannah, a place which eyes can never describe, a place where you get everything just by wishing .We keep forgetting our actual life after death while we are busy digging for worldly treasures.

My second year of medical school had brought light to a sensitive topic in our lives- pain.Being posted in general surgery department, I was exposed to a gazillion diseases that I thought never existed. We do read about complicated disorders and syndromes but looking at them for real is a soul stirring experience.

One of the perks of being a medico is you can talk to the patient, learn from him but you don't need to worry about their treatment; your professors and seniors would be there to guide you at every stage but I did feel helpless many a times thinking I could do nothing more than counselling the subject.

If I had a wish, I would ask Allah to grant me a magic wand or some magic drink like Lucy from the chronicles of Narnia had. Something which would cure all the sufferers in a single wave.It sounded childish but I lived in a world of dreams.Being human you cannot be insensitive to a fellow human suffering.

It was the last week of my surgery posting.That day I had met an old man about sixty years who had come there with a complaint of multiple swellings on his body.We were asked to examine him.While my colleagues were busy learning about a new disease I started a random conversation with the patient.Witnessing so many students examining him added to his worry.Our professor explained us that he was suffering from leiyomyosarcoma, a rare form of skin cancer.

His daughter who accompanied him didn't wanted him to learn about his illness. It was heartbreaking.The very word cancer is synonymous with a death sentence.The moment you know someone is afflicted with cancer you pity him cause he is nothing but terminal.We forget that no one can anticipate their term nor delay it except Allah.

I was there in the examination room with five other students who were posted in this unit. Shiraz and Shehriyaar were next to my registration number thanks to the alphabet 'S'.Why did you name me with an S ,mom?

Both the guys were busy reading about the disease and didn't interfere in my interaction with the patient.After our conversation on the results night he had stopped bothering me.I sometimes missed having someone to compete and fight with but the newer Shiraz was much better. I don't like him or anything it was just that he becoming a practicing muslim decreased my hatred towards him.For a change he stopped hanging around with Yumna and flirting with the other girls of the university.

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