Chapter - 28 - Wierd white.

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What is destined for you will reach you even if it be beneath two mountains.What is not destined will not reach you, even if it be between your lips - Imam Ghazali.


What was supposed to be a mellow evening seemed like a gloomy one.My spirits were subdued my mom's exuberance of vivacity but I didn't venture any objection to her.I told her that I needed time.I am well aware of the fact that not many people are capable of being as obstinate as me.But my deep-rooted fear of marriage and commitment couldn't be removed in a day or two.

I was in the garden, gathering the fallen flowers in a basket.Yesterday's thunder and rain had ruined few plants.It was almost dusk, and the full moon looked over the oak tree, causing shadows to lurk in the corners of the building.I lingered to rest and draw in breaths of soft, sweet air.My eyes were on the moon, reminding me of the full moon night on Naila's wedding and the encounter I had with Shiraz that day.There were strange emotions sailing through my heart.The likes of which I have never felt before.I couldn't help fancying the cause for the proposal.

Did I ever do anything that would invite attention?
Did I ever smile or blush shamelessly at him?
Did I ever give him any wrong hint?

Heck! I never spoke properly to him.I was rather cloudy and answered sharply to him.My bad temper and cold behaviour was easily liable to be hated.With time it ended.Nonetheless his change was welcomed by me.But I never paid him much attention or behaved infinitely better than I did earlier.I'd never let anyone see the concealed depths of benevolence beneath my stern exterior.

I couldn't comprehend the reason which invited the proposal between me and him .I was half angry and half curious.

My thoughts were halted when I heard the click of the latch and Shaila flew to me breathless, too excited to show gladness.

"Oh, Sanam, Sanam!" She panted, flinging her arms round my neck.

"Oh my Allah! I can't believe it!" And she tightened her embrace to a squeeze.

"Hold yourself!" I cried.

" Don't strangle me for that.There is no need to be so frantic! "

"I know you don't like him much, " she answered, repressing a little the intensity of her delight.

" Yet for mom's sake you must consider this proposal! "

I gave her a frown of displeasure.I was pretty sure that mom would never force me into it if I replied in negative.

"There's this tiny thing that's been itching me the moment I heard of this proposal," she said,supressing a grin.

"Go on," I replied.

" I guess it's Shiraz who had sent the proposal.I think he must have convinced his granny to speak for him."

"If that's the case then I'm gonna kill him!" I replied, gritting my teeth.

" Kill him for what? Liking you?" Shaila laughed.

" I don't know.I just can't understand the reason why granny chose me," I replied,smelling the yellow rose.

"Well! But I can totally understand why she chose you.So stop thinking and pray istikhara.If this is meant to work then Allah will make things easier." She was about to dart off but I arrested her.

"I don't have the courage to face mom.Rather Iam afraid she might convince me.Please convey her that I am preparing for my prefinals and I need a week to answer."

She nooded in positive and walked to the front door.

Only Allah knows how I've endured the bitter misery.It was his healing that alleviated the pain.It was his strength that induced me to bear it.I can afford to suffer anything but I had no heart to spare for a second grief.

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