chapter-29- Enchanting eyes.

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"Stay away from hurting others.The hurt you caused and the pain it inflicted will come back to harm you in a different way" - Mufti Menk.


There was no possibility of taking a walk that day.The wind brought with it clouds so sombre, and a rain so penetrating, that going outdoor was out of question.I sat down and endeavoured to read.I could make no sense of the subject; my own thoughts swam always between me and the page I'd been on.

I opened the glass window in the study room; the shrubbery was quite still; the rain reigned , unbroken by the breeze, through the ground.I found no pleasure in the silent trees,the russet leaves, swept by past winds in heaps.I leaned against the window pane and looked towards the opaque sky.It was a very gray day.I stood, a wretched soul enough, whispering to myself over and over again,'Ya Allah help me! I need to stay calm'.

My eyes darted off to the Qur'an which was lying in the mahogany shelf.I took it out meticulously and began to read.An ayah came with a wonderful message from Allah.

Surah Al-Baqara, Verse 286:

لَا يُكَلِّفُ اللَّهُ نَفْسًا إِلَّا وُسْعَهَا لَهَا مَا كَسَبَتْ وَعَلَيْهَا مَا اكْتَسَبَتْ َ

Allah does not impose upon any soul a duty but to the extent of its ability; for it is (the benefit of) what it has earned and upon it (the evil of) what it has wrought.

That moment I understood that I had to trust him and be patient.

After completing my daily recitation, I rested myself  on the cushioned chair.All at once I heard a clear voice call,

"Shiraz where are you? Come down for dinner!"

It was Masarrath, I knew well enough; but I did not stir.Her light steps came tripping down the room.

" You're not a kid anymore! " She said,"Why don't you come when you are called?"

Masarrath' s presence, compared with the thoughts which I had been brooding, seemed cheerful; even though as usual, she tried to irritate me by closing the page I'd been on for the past twenty minutes.

What had passed a week back; What Yumna had said corncerning me to mom; the whole tenor of their conversation, was recent, raw and stinging in my mind.I had felt every word as acutely, as I had heard it plainly; and a passion of worthlessness fermented now within me.

It was during the dinner Aunt Nelofer had planned after grandpa's angioplasty.Though we'd to replied her invitation with a soft no as grandpa needed rest she insisted that we come.Quite frankly, I didn't know that it was planned by mom and Aunt Nelofer together.And granny decided that we should go as she was mom's cousin and she might feel bad if we called it off.Everything was good until Yumna entered and the whole talk began deviating to something else. The reason for the dinner was revealed when Yumna who was heavily dressed up sat to my right and mom kept looking between me and her.She had once asked me if Yumna was a nice girl.I'd replied to her in positive thinking it to be a general question.Anticipating what was to come ,I excused myself on grounds of prayer.When I had returned,my grandparents were in the lawn with dad and my mom indoor.

" I'd liked him earlier.But now he's changed.He avoids me all the time.And he dislikes my hanging out with guys," Yumna said,flinging herself on the couch.I hid myself behind the crimson drapes.I didn't wanted to interrupt the conversation she was having with my mom.

"He behaves like those orthodox, conservative muslims who don't enjoy their lives and stop others from doing it too.I am sorry I can't marry someone who'd be uncomfortable with my fashionable dressing or who'd dictate my lifestyle."

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