Chapter-25- Goodbyes hurt.

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'The best people possess a feeling for beauty, the courage to tell the truth,the capacity for sacrifice.Ironically, their virtues make them vulnerable, they are often wounded, sometimes destroyed' - Ernest Hemingway.


I can't get myself to believe the fact that I had completed the final year part one of my medicine studies.Final exams were a challenging task.The struggle was hard but with Allah by my side everything went on smoothly.Having sailed through part one of my final year I was mentally gearing up for the final part two.I had only a week's break before getting back to medical school.And this week would be terribly busy for my best friend was getting married in no less than two days.

I could never handle that much in a month.But Naila was a multitasker.She had considerably altered in the past few weeks.Though she lost a few kilos due to the hectic exams, her deer eyes sparkled as bright as the diamonds.The face which was rather pale grew pinker with each passing day.Perhaps they were the result of her serial blushes.Her enthusiasm was evident in the amount of efforts she put trying to balance exams and her wedding preparations.

"Sanam, you're listening right?" Shaila asked , breaking my vale of thoughts.For the past twenty minutes She was bugging me to choose a dress from some new online range of gowns which were beyond my liking.I scratched my chin and gave her a spare-me look.She rolled her eyes and huffed putting her phone aside.

"So what are your plans for your best friend's wedding?" She asked rather jovially.

"Well...Iam going to attend her wedding and do the obvious like wishing her a happy married life," I replied.

"Ya Allah! When will this girl grow up? " Shaila fake worried, tapping her cheeks and looking towards the starry sky.

"I meant your dress, your jewellery and a present for the newly wed," she continued.I chewed my bottom lip, a manoeuvre which naturally occures to me when I think deeply.

"I have many dresses already.I can wear any of them.Let's skip the jewellery part for I don't need any.About the present I have something brewing in my mind.Will let you know after I get it."

"You know what is the most amazing thing about you?" Shaila asked with a sweet chuckle.

" Your simplicity and way of keeping everything in it's purest form.Your beautiful heart and those shining eyes.They are just subhanAllah!" She exclaimed.I looked lovingly at my younger sister, a near perfect reflection of my mother.

"This is your blind love speaking for me.Iam nowhere near to all that beautiful description of yours," I replied.I had this low self-esteem since forever and my conscience was crammed with the load of insufficiency preventing me from thinking high of myself in any aspect of life.She held me close to her, the warmth of her body touching mine.

"I can say dad must be very proud of you.You have fulfilled his dreams in the nicest of ways," she said, her voice trailing into a sob.A tear drop fell onto to her creamy cheeks and she hugged me tightly.Though we've try hard to move on in our life, not even a day passes when we don't miss him.I attempted to comfort her by whispering soothing words in her ears and rubbing her back softly.

"Dad must be proud of all his daughter.But he might get worried if we keep crying every time.Remember he is in our hearts and every prayer.Right now he must be resting in the gardens of Jannah, praying for his family to join him there." My words soothed her to some extent and I tried to cheer her up by uttering some old folly of mine.My life had been nothing less than comedy of errors.

Next one hour, I leaned against the brick railing counting the beautiful stars and doing some dhikr simultaneously.An ayah I read an hour ago came back to me.

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