Chapter 7-Guilty much

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Don't quit! Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion. -Muhammad Ali

Sanam's POV

I was standing on a roof top which extended over many yards.The house seemed wierdly familiar to me.The next moment,I hear someone calling.

"Sanam, look here dear!" I looked around only to see my dad.

He stood beside me ,his hands resting on the wall which encircled the terrace.

"Look there dear daughter, it's the brightest star.Sanam, I want you to be like that star.The one that brightens the darkest of nights." I smiled at his words placing my small hand in his. I was so happy to hear dad's voice. My gaze was transfixed to the big blue sky, contemplating his words. I didn't feel him leaving my hand. The next moment when I twisted my neck to look at him I saw him walking away.

"Dad! Dad!" I called out.Yet he didn't stop. He slowly vanished away behind a thick fog. I tried to run after him, but my legs wouldn't move.Tears of grief ran over my cheeks as I threw my tiny self in a corner.

I opened my eyes to find Shaila sitting beside me rubbing my hand.Realisation dawned on me.It was a dream. But it felt too real to be one.

"Are you alright? Did you have a nightmare? " Shaila kept asking me with a worried expression. She told me that I was practically screaming so she had come to check upon me.

With teary eyes I revealed what I dreamt of.Our father was standing with me in a beautiful starry night..And the next moment he was gone!

Tears started rolling down my face, as I got flashbacks of my dream. I retold her about his beautiful words.Listening to them even Shaila started sobbing. Though I was the elder one I couldnt console her.Perhaps that moment I was emotionally worse than her. We both cried our hearts out, hugging each other tightly.No doubt,we missed him badly.

Hearing our sobs, mom came to my room, with worry etched on her small face. I clinged on to her like my life depended on her.

She calmed us down, explaining to us that dad wouldn't be happy seeing us cry so often.If we really missed him, then we should pray for his maghfirah.Inshallah we shall meet him in jannah.

Mom kept caressing and patting our backs slowly so we both fell asleep with our heads on her lap.Her lap seemed to me like the most comfortable place on earth.She kept mumbling the quranic verses-

ﻭَﻟَﻵْﺧِﺮَﺓُ ﺧَﻴْﺮٌ ﻟَﻚَ ﻣِﻦَ اﻷُْﻭﻟَﻰ

'Indeed what is to come will be better than what has gone by!'


Shiraz POV

I didn't sleep the whole night yesterday as I was busy carrying out my revenge on Sanam but I did doze off for two hours after the sunrise. I was too sleepy to get off the bed but dragged myself to the washroom to get ready for university.Internally I was very eager to see the outcome of my revenge. My eyes were blood shot and I had bags underneath but my mind of evil was smirking at the accompolishment.It was worth the trouble game.After a long warm shower I was in my dresser when I heard a knock.

Stifling a yawn,I opened the door to find Masarrath standing there, with a grave expression.Like she was forced to come there.

"Morning Mashi, what brings you here?"

"Mom and dad had to go to some business trip abroad and the driver went to drop them at the airport.I needed a lift to the school."

I replied in assertive and was ready within a span of few minutes.After school she was going to a sleepover at her friend Lubna's house which would leave me alone yet again.

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