Chapter-27-The proposal

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What you desire is what you want. What you have is what Allah wants - Nouman Ali khan.


6 months later .....

There were only two months left for my final exams.My preparation was in full swing but there was this constant noise at the back of my mind,soiling my attempts to concentrate.

I was always home these days as I got a weeks holiday to prepare for my prefinals.For the past two days, mom was bugging me with her list of proposals.The thing I'd been avoiding for the past two years was finally coming to haunt me.

Mom was seriously considering some of the proposals from her friend, a match-maker.This time she was doing it all secretly with the aid of my sisters and I barely had any idea of it until it slipped from Urwa's tongue.

As much as I hated match-makers I couldn't do anything to drive her away as she was mom's friend and a guest at my home.My mind went into a frenzy thinking of what all could happen in the coming days.I haven't been successful in convincing my mom that I wanted to be single all my life.

" Look at this one Huma.Iam pretty sure you'll not find a better match," Aunt Rehana beemed, passing on a pic to mom.

"Hmm.He's good.But I don't wanna judge people based on their looks and money.Besides he isn't a doctor," mom replied.

I was trying to make sandwiches in the kitchen,overhearing their conversation simultaneously.

"Where would you find a doctor who is religious,well settled and comes from a good family?" Aunt Rehana questioned.

"I don't know where! I sometimes wonder why Hashim wanted his son-in-law to be a doctor," mom replied, her voice depicting her tensed mind.

Mom had told me earlier about how dad had planned everything for his elder daughter.As if he knew he had less time in this world.Dad wanted me to become a doctor and he wished that I'd get married to a doctor.I was fulfilling his first wish and the second one was being worked on by mom.

The grill machine gave a beep sound indicating that the sandwiches were ready.
I hope I didn't burn them this time.

Muttering prayers with a hopeful heart, I lifted it open to reveal the perfectly grilled egg sandwiches.Placing them into the square plates, I headed towards the living room.

"Thank you so much dear! But I am already full with these cookies," Aunt Rehana said, pointing towards the Danish cookies.

"It's not that much.My daughter would be heartbroken if you reject her earnest attempt, " mom said, filling her plate with the sandwiches.

She ate heart fully without any expression of distaste.I guess the sandwiches where not that bad.

"Don't worry Huma! I'd do my best to find her a suitable match inshaAllah," Aunt Rehana said, bidding her goodbye.

I huffed and landed myself on the couch.While mom was escorting her friend to the porch, I went into my room and collected few of my books.They were my escape alley, the best source of deviation from the reality.Before mom could start any sort of discussion on marriage I tried to occupy myself with them.

It felt good being surrounded by a dozen of books but it was becoming harder to concentrate with my emotional turbulence.Lifting my textbook of general surgery, I felt for the bookmark to resume my studies.

" Ya Allah khair! Sanam, why don't you study in your room?" Mom shrieked, placing her hands over her eyes.

"I was getting tired staying up the whole day.So I thought maybe a change of place would help."

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