Chapter -36-No pain no gain

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Sanam's POV

The mere thought of having a little one inside me makes me giddy with happiness.

Its hard to describe the actual feeling.The whirlpool of emotions spinning inside of you when you're to become a mother.I can't see my tummy growing yet.But physiologically I have begun to change and sometimes I feel something inside me.A little life to be born.Praise be to Allah.The very cycle of coming into this world is so complicated.But He can make it happen.He does the impossible with ease.Allah signals it to the angels and it is done.

A symbol of  our love had began its journey.Excitement,anxiety and happiness.Every untold emotion was jumping inside of me.And my face had a different glow.People around me said that I looked healthier and happier than I had ever been before.

Every expecing woman had a beautiful reason to smile and dream a life with their little one.When a woman brings someone into this world only she knows how much she had to endure in those nine months and during the labor.But they say all the pain is worth it.When you hold the little one in your arms, you remember nothing but their tiny angelic face.The pain and the trauma is long forgotten.

The chill air conditioner fanned my face.I held my file close to my chest and adjusted the long apron I had worn.It was hot outside but the multiple A.C's made me feel cooler.Realizing that I was seated outside the principal office for a while,I looked at the huge wall clock.It was half past nine.She was late.Waiting was and is the most difficult thing for me.But with so many thoughts on my mind and day dreaming about my baby, I lost track of time.

Moments later I heard the clattering of footsteps nearing me.I didn't know if that lady with an intimidating tone was the principal.But the aroma around her made her look like one.Her personal secretary carried a bundle of files,her laptop bag and other stuff .And everyone who passed by greeted her.Tall,confident and beautiful.She looked too young to be a principal.I waited till she settled in her room.

Knocking gently, I entered the beautifully furnished room.Too engrossed in her laptop,she didn't seem to notice me.Or rather she wanted to ignore my presence.

"Good morning mam! Am Dr. Sanam Akram," I vocalised.

She looked up from her files but didn't reply.I was hesitant as to proceed with my introduction or not.Her secretary gestured me to go on.

"I am a resident who was alloted a gynaec seat in this college yesterday.I have come to submit my joining letter." I fiddled with the keys in my pocket.I was a nervous newcomer that moment.

"Alright! You may keep it on the table.Iam quite busy now."

I smiled at her blunt reply and exited after wishing her good day.In life, you're bound to come across different kinds of people.Not everyone is going to meet you with a bouquet of roses.Some will just give you the thorns.You have to learn to handle them without getting pricked.I had learnt my lesson the  hard way.Before I could make my way to the hospital building, my phone rang.

"Assalamualaikum sweet heart!"

"Walaikumassalam dear!" I replied.A blush crept on my cheeks.It happens even now, every time he calls me that.

"How did it go? Did you report to the principal? " He asked.The background was noisy.He was driving perhaps.

"Alhamdulillah! I am done with the submission of documents and reporting.Going to the gynaecology department now."

"Shiraz..Are you driving? And this the time to start for the hospital?" I could hear him grinning on the other end.

"Ya Allah! When will you change this habit of yours?God forbid.What if your senior yells at you for being late?"

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