chapter 9-Comedy of errors

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"Just as the most beautiful rainbows are born from rain,the most beautiful lessons are learnt from pain"-anonymous

Sanam's POV

Holding my breath,i turned towards the person who tapped me.The unexpected tap made my heart pound to an unimaginable highest. I let out a sigh of relief when I found out the tapper.It was Naila. She did scare the crap out of me. It somehow slipped from my mind that she was going to accompany me to my home.She was determined to get mom's permission for attending that party.The very fresher's night which was of least interest to me.

"Sanam, why were you running like you were in some marathon? Did you see a ghost or something? I tried calling out your name but you wouldn't stop so I had to run behind you!" Naila spoke hyperventilating.

When she reminded me the reason for her following me ,I flashed a smile at her nodding my head approvingly.
My heart was still beating fast.So much that I felt it would explode any time.I had never run like that in my entire life.That day I avoided Shiraz like some plague.

Throughout our way ,Naila kept telling me about her high school days and her friends whom she missed so much.I didn't had much to say as she was my first close pal.I thought I never needed many for I believed friends come and go but family is forever.If that turns out to be true in my life,I could be in for a smooth ride.

Passing through crowded streets and busy roads,we reached home in about twenty minutes.I entered in with Naila who was eager to meet my family.Shaila and Urwa were in the living room busy with their assignments.Finding me back,they paused their works and wished me salam hugging me sideways.

"Shaila and Urwa meet Naila, my new friend from medschool."

"Naila meet Shaila and Urwa, my adorable sisters!" I introduced them to each other.

"Nice to meet you guys.You two seem different though!" Naila exclaimed winking at me.She got along pretty well with Shaila and Urwa.She mastered the art of getting along with even strangers.

Sometimes I get distressed by the limitation of my ability, my hesitation in mixing with new people.Naila is very pretty and her words enchanting. She had been a flicker of light in my dark life.I never realised  when she became a close friend but I feel I had contributed the least in it.All thanks to Almighty for He gave me a friend who wanted nothing in return.

I called up the health centre informing them that I would be joining from tomorrow as I was preoccupied with something today.I didn't wanted Naila to know about my job as she couldn't possibly keep any secrets in her tiny tummy.Mom would get to know of it easily and she wouldn't allow me to join.I had planned of telling her when the time would ripe.

The front door open and in came the light of our house.Mom had returned way more early today.She hardly came before the asr prayer.

"Assalamualaikum mom! How come you are back at this time? "I asked, unwrapping my hijab.

"Oh ! Nothing to worry about dear," she dismissed it waving her hands.I knew mom wouldn't tell me the reason so I asked Shaila.She told me that mom was suffering from a bad headache.I insisted on taking her to a doctor but she didn't agree.

I got in my medico mode and decided to manage it conservatively.I gave her a paracetamol to gulp down and massaged her temples with an analgesic ointment which relieved pain.

After an hour the intensity of pain came down.Mom was pretty happy to meet Naila as I had never got any friends home even during my high school days.I never made close friends because I was always afraid of betrayal.A famous author says that the world's most sensible person and the biggest idiot both stay within us, the worst part is you can't tell who is who.Perhaps I was an idiot not to trust people easily.

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