Chapter-20-Decision of a lifetime

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A woman's beauty is not in her features, the shade of her skin or her possessions.True beauty is in her heart, in her imaan(faith), her Taqwa and her love for her deen ( religion).So few men understand this.Even fewer woman do.

Sanam's POV

The guy standing at the doorway wasn't expecting me apparently for he had surprise plastered on every inch of his face.My situation was similar too for never in my dreams I imagined getting married or even meeting this person who mastered the art of making me nervous.As Dr.Younus took fine steps to proceed towards the grand hall he was halted by a heavy voice.

"Assalamualaikum son! So good to have you home. May Allah bless you with a healthy life and a lovely wife." Father and son embraced each other making everyone turn heads to witness the immense love Dr.Yasser had for his son.After their display of affection and exchanging smiles,Dr.Younus excused himself.It was probably to get refreshed as his face reflected a busy day.

All this while,in my heart was echoing a silent whisper trying to be heard amidst all the noises of the gossiping crowd.That voice so true, kept asking me if I was ready for all this, if agreeing to meet this person was a sane decision.Deep down I knew, there were voices unheard and emotions imprisoned.That voice which was buried alive in the coffin of my heart the moment I agreed to the idea of commitment.

Our host spotted his unusual guest and marched towards us.
"Assalamualaikum Sanam! A warm welcome to my home.How have you been doing?" Dr.Yasser vocalised.

I replied to his salaam and smiled in return for this question seemed more difficult than the course of the cranial nerves.Mikael who looked as much nervous as me breathed a sigh as he greeted this gem of a person.Dr.Yasser Abdullah was known to be a kind and humble human.Mom and my sisters gave him salaams too.I excused myself as I needed some air.I softly gestured mom that I needed to use the loo.

Dr.Yasser beemed like a kid whose birthday wish had been fulfilled.This party was nothing like cliché birthday parties. It was a modest gathering with good food and welcoming hosts.There was no drinking crowd, no blazing music or couple dance.It was more like a high class business meet with a bit of extaravagance.As a girl who never frequented parties I was my usual awkward self.Nothing from the decorated hall to the golden chandelier appealed to me.Inspite of its brightness the house appeared more like a five star hospital,cold and dull.Inhabitation by males might have been the reason behind its lack of feminine touch.

I headed towards the garden which I felt would probably help uncloud my mind.It was more like an ordinary house garden but what caught my attention was a sound of someone hitting a punchbag.There was a crushed boquet of roses lying outside a room which had an open window.Only an insane person could do such a thing to a lovely flower that blossoms and emits mesmerising fragrance.

"Excuse me young lady! If Iam not wrong you must be Miss Sanam.My master and your mother has been looking for you." It was a middle aged butler.I followed him but curiosity was killing me.

"Can I ask you something? Who had thrown away this beautiful bouquet?" I enquired placing the tiny red petals in my hand.

"Ohh that must be junior master.He kinda dislikes roses and anything which reminds him of. ..OOPS I gotta go,"The man trailed off leaving his sentence incomplete.

I strolled in without any further thoughts which could delay me and give mom a reason to start her infamous lectures.I reached there only to find her engrossed in a deep conversation with a lady.On close observation I identified her to be Dr.Zoya Ahmer.As I got closer she excused herself and mom's attention was on me.

"Where have you been Sanam?We have come here for your purpose and looks like you are avoiding people again,"mom scolded.I mumbled a sorry and adjusted my hijab as Dr.Yasser was advancing towards us with his son trailing behind.Rest of the guests who had been busy all this while turned towards our side.It was like this was some climax scene of a boring movie and you are suddenly interested to know what's gonna happen.

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