Chapter -26- Growing up.

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'Beautiful people are those who cry by night and smile by day.Their tears bring nearness to Allah and their smile brings nearness to his creation'- Tayyaba Baig.


Time flew by and I realised that what once felt like a distant dream was on the verge of blooming.It just needed a final bout of watering.My last- year-in-medical school,only the words were enough to shake up the static status I'd gained in a week's break.

A month had passed after the school reopened.We were getting ourselves tuned to the hectic posting hours which usually surpassed our recess.It would be only after the theory classes in afternoon that I was finding time to pray and eat.Medical school was getting on my nerves lately.The past three and a half years I had never witnessed students so desperately trying to make ends meet just to attend a professor's lecture.During previous semesters,few students would bunk the same classes.

Somewhere it led to a dip in my confidence levels.But the smile on my face never let anyone know that I was troubled.The Quranic ayah which kept me going was:

Put your trust in Allah.He loves those who put their trust in Him. (3:157)

Even if I lose hope in myself I could never lose hope in Him.Failure shouldn't scare you for this was only a temporary world.What matters more is how we fare in the hereafter, the real test.For that, I intend to give my best.

"Salaam dude! Wanna join me tonight? " Shehriyaar asked,flipping the notes he had taken during the previous lecture.

"Walaikumsalam! Tonight?What for? " I asked, arching a brow.

"Ermm.I thought we'd watch a match.You know the cricket world cup.Like we used to do," he said, grinning at me.

Reminiscing those days brought a smile to my face involuntarily.Gone were the days when we used to hang out the entire day during the world cup.Shehriyaar's house was the best place for weekend matches.It would always be Shehriyaar and his cousins versus me and Mikael.We both kinda supported the same time and they'd usually be with the opposition.The last world cup we had a blast as we were all on a break, waiting for our A levels results.

"Hello,Earth to Shiraz!!" He said,clicking his fingers in front of my eyes.

"Yeah! Iam in.Let's rock the weekend!" I exclaimed,giving him a fist bump.

Thankfully it was Saturday, the weekend and I thought It would be a break from the routine.

He hugged me happily and we parted after exchanging salaams.I told him I would be able to join him only after Maghrib.When I called up Mikael he said that he wanted to come but he wouldn't be able to for he was preparing for the final exams which were due in a week.


"Assalamualaikum! Anybody home?" I enquired but to no avail.On Saturdays,dad comes back around three and Masarrath would be home by one in the afternoon.

The living room was pitch dark and too silent.My footsteps were the only sound audible at the moment. I grew suspicious.It was drizzling but there was no sign of power cut in the neighbourhood. Something felt definitely wrong for the parking lot was well lit.

"SURPRISE!!!!" Squealed Masarrath.

She along with my parents and grandparents were standing around a table which had a two storey black forest cake placed over it.For a millisecond I was confused then it dawned on me that today was my 22nd birthday.

It's been two years since I stopped spending lavishly on my birthday party and started donating the same money.Mom was surprised by my changing thoughts and perceptions of life yet she never objected to any.But she insisted on keeping a small dinner at home which would serve as a family time.

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