Chapter - 33 - Dream girl.

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"The best are those who are the best towards women" - Prophet Mohammed ( P.b.u.h)


Five hours glided away, each one marking its course by the rapid alteration of my restless body.Perhaps I was not used to sharing my bed or rather I couldn't believe that the woman next to me was actually mine.I watched her sleeping figure, clinging on to my hand like her life depended on it.As I tried to release myself, a soft smile made way to her lips.Though in one of her sweet dreams, she smiled like a cute little baby.

I wished I could spend my nights watching her sleep.I didn't had the heart to disturb her peaceful sleep but we had promised each other to wake one for fajr if the other was asleep.I thought she'd make me promise so much more but she left me surprised on our first night.

"Sanam, " I whispered, close to her ears.I was so close that I could smell her fruit perfume.She stirred a bit but instead of releasing my hand, she slung her hand over my shoulder and burried her head in my neck.I could feel my heart pumping loudly and I resisted the urge to pull her more closer.

We would have stayed like that for a few more minutes had it not been for her alarm.When her dovy eyes opened,she threw herself away from me as though I was a ghost.

"I am so sorry! I have this wierd sleeping habit.I didn't disturb your sleep? Did I ? " She asked, sitting straight.

" Ah! I wish we'd stay like that forever."

"In your dreams!" She replied, advancing towards the washroom to make ablution.

"Very soon It would be your yearning too," I replied, slipping on my flip flops.As time was running, I washed myself in the bathroom down the corridor.When I returned fully dressed for the prayer, I saw her wrapping a white hijab over her head.

" Can I pray behind you?" She asked,placing the prayer mat on the marbled floor.

"Yeah! It'd be a pleasure."

After the salah, I made a long dua, thanking Allah for giving me someone who I loved for His sake.In the darkness of night,peaceful silence enveloped my room and an invisible light shone,like some angel descended nearby.I looked over longingly at my companion as she was busy making dhikr.

" What?" She asked,disturbed by my constant staring activity.

"You know what? You have been my first ever true wish and my favourite dream!"

She blushed a while and parted her lips to speak.

"You dreamt of me?" She looked surprised at my revelation.

"I dreamt many nights that a beautiful girl with dovey eyes was giving me company on an amazing journey."

"How do you know it was me?" She asked,tapping her cheeks cutely.

"I had only seen her eyes.And wallahi your eyes are just like her." She smiled a heartwarming one and I went closer.

"And what was your wish?" She asked, raising a brow.

"Since a while I had been praying that I be blessed with a beautiful partner who walks beside me at every step of my life.One who balances deen and dunya.That my other half should be my partner not just in this world but in the hereafter too."

She chuckled at my reply and mumbled alhamdulillah and inshaAllah.Blushing cutely,her eyes gazed at me for few seconds before shifting their focus.

Her gaze lingered on the large portrait of the holy kaaba which was hanging on my wall.Her eyes told a tale I couldn't read.

Moments later she wished to read Qur'an with me.As I removed the holy book from the shelf, she folded the prayer rug and sat to my right.

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