Chapter 1

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Now, Janus didn't think himself to be a bad person.

He was a simple guy, just trying to make ends meet.

Was he the son of one of Sanders City's most notorious supervillains? Yes.

Was he planning on making his debut into the villain world in a month? Yes.

But really, he was a great guy! Funny, charming, witty, just every good quality, really.

Oh, he also had the power to shapeshift, did he not mention that?

Why could he shapeshift, you ask? He didn't have a clue. He was adopted, so he couldn't ask his mom.

Speaking of his mom.

Two sharp knocks sounded at his door.

"Come in." Janus called, idly bouncing a ball against his wall.

One of his mother's goons entered the room, trying to look tough. "Hey, kid. Your ma wants a word."

"Yeah?" Janus furrowed his brow. His mother wanted to talk? Usually, she didn't want anything to do with him. "I'll be right there."

He got up, quickly fixing his caramel colored hair, before heading towards his mother's meeting room.


“Miss Libelle,” Janus called, entering the room. “You called for me?”

Oh, yeah. He also wasn't supposed to call her 'mother.' Sucks, right?

“Knock next time, Janus.” She told him, glancing at him. “Yes, I did.”

Janus shifted nervously, glancing at the other people in the room. 

They were all sat around a long table, Miss Libelle at the head. Tall, intimidating men and women were all sitting around the table, glancing at him menacingly. 

“You haven’t publicly made your debut as one of us, have you?” Miss Libelle asked, regaining his attention. She picked up her wine glass, turning towards the window. “No one knows who you are.”

“I--Yes, that’s true.” Janus nodded slowly. 

One of the men at the table, the one who was idly flipping around a playing card, chuckled. “I told you~”

“Shut up.” Hissed a woman with white hair in a black dress.

“Quiet.” Miss Libelle growled. “Janus, I have a mission for you.”

Janus brightened, but quickly composed himself. “Yes? What is it, Miss Libelle?”

“It’s quite simple, really.” Another one of the men, the one who was petting a parrot, hummed. 

“A job fit for a child!” A woman in a large fur coat laughed. A few more people laughed as well, loud and uproarious. 

Quiet!” She snapped, glaring at them all.

They all instantly fell silent, tension immediately falling over the room.

“My, my, now you’ve done it.” A man with a large scar drawled, picking at his teeth with the nail of his pinky. 

“Let Beatrix tell the boy what he has to do, would you?” A woman with two large horns on her head huffed. “You’re all giving me a migraine.”

“Janus,” Miss Libelle said, “I need you to infiltrate the League of Heroes.”

Janus’s eyes widened, and he had to suppress the gasp that tried to force its way into existence. “Infiltrate them? Me?”

“You’re the only one here who they don’t know, kid!” A man with blue hair pointed out, grinning at him. 

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