Chapter 13

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Hades launched a fireball at Janus, who barely had time to dodge it. 

“Can’t we talk about this?” Roman asked with a tilt of his head. “I mean, I get it. He shot you, you’re trying to kill us and take over the city. I’m sure we can just talk it out?”

“You’ve never been one to use your words.” Hades narrowed his eyes at Roman. “What are you planning, Prince? Trying to distract me?”

“Distract you from what?” Roman blinked innocently. “There’s no one trying to harm you.”

Hades turned around. “Aha!” He exclaimed, but then furrowed his brow when he saw no one there. “There really was no one--”

He turned back around, and was met with a punch to the face from Roman. 

Hades flew back crashing into the wall of a building.

“Ooh! Yikes!” Roman flew over to him, hovering in front of the villain. “That looked like it hurt.” He smiled smugly.

Janus turned his focus to Remus and Patton, who were now helping Logan take down Dr. Facilier.

“Use your illusions.” Logan told Remus, firing metal shards at the shadows with rapid speed. “Make a light.”

“That’s why you’re the smart one, Logic.” Remus replied, and suddenly there was a giant lamp shining down on them. 

Even Remus recoiled. “Okay, didn’t think it would be that bright.” 

The shadows hissed, retreating into a nearby alleyway.

The second Virgil’s mouth was uncovered, he shouted: “All villains freeze!

Immediately, all the villains stopped moving. Hades had frozen while trying to form a fireball, Shan Yu had frozen while trying to stand up, and Dr. Facilier had frozen while shielding his eyes from the light.

“Damn.” Remus gave a low whistle, resting his mace on his shoulder. 

“We’ll leave them to the cops.” Logan told them, all the metal fragments hitting the ground as he released them. 

“Should we even bother? We all know that they’ll just break out again.” Roman ran a hand through his hair, huffing. 

“We can’t just leave them here, dumbass.” Virgil scoffed, standing up. “I’m sure the police can manage for now. Even if they do break out, we can just catch them again. It’s like a game of cat and mouse.”

“The question is, who’s the cat and who’s the mouse?” Janus mumbled under his breath. 

“We should head back to the base, it isn’t--” Logan paused suddenly, his eyes widening. When he didn’t continue, Janus furrowed his brow.

“Uh, Lo?” Patton waved a hand in front of his face. The taller hero didn’t react, eyes glazing over. Patton sighed, frowning. “Why now?”

“What’s going on?” Janus asked, a bit concerned. “Is he alright?”

“It’s The Mind.” Roman huffed, his voice bitter but quiet. “The Voices.” 

...What?” Janus asked incredulously. “What are you talking about?”

“We can’t talk about this here.” Virgil hissed. “Morality, teleport us back.”

“He’s not a dog.” Remus grumbled, placing a hand on Patton’s shoulder. 

“No, he’s right. We need to head back.” Patton nodded, taking Logan’s hand in his, and extending his free hand toward the rest of them. 


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