Chapter 32

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Janus hastily put his mask back on his face, picked up his guns, and shot up to join the fighting once more. 

Roman and Logan were now both fighting the villains off, the former mostly protecting the latter.

Logan had an abundance of wounds, just from the few minutes that Roman and Janus had been fighting. There was a cut on his arm, something that resembled a burn on his hand, he was favoring his left leg more than the right, and he was nursing a wound in his side. 

Ms. Libelle hadn’t even joined the fight yet, just watching from behind as her allies mercilessly launched attack after attack at the heroes. She glanced at Janus, before gesturing with her head for him to join in the fighting. 

Janus pursed his lips, before aiming his weapons at the heroes. 

He fired. 

Logan, in a fraction of a second, extended his hand and used his powers to freeze the bullets mid-air. His eyes widened, seemingly surprised that Janus had fired on him. He mumbled something to Roman, turning to face Janus fully. He tilted his head, as if egging him on.

Janus grit his teeth, firing three more times.

Logan didn’t bother catching them, waving them away with a simple flick of his wrist. He walked closer to Janus, staring at him intently. 

Janus paled, backing up and firing three more times. 

Logan caught them, and used his telekinesis to aim that at the villains. He didn’t even look to see if any hit their mark as he continued to approach. He gestured his hand towards Janus, and suddenly, he was being pulled closer to the hero by an invisible force.

Logan narrowed his eyes at Janus. “We were fools for trusting you so quickly.”

Janus felt his chest clench, but he barked out a laugh. “Funny, I was about to say the same thing.”

Logan barely reacted, just humming in thought. “I did think it was odd, I’ll admit. You would talk about how you wanted there to be no secrets kept from you, but would share so little about yourself.” He recounted. “I didn’t pry, I didn’t care enough to, maybe I should’ve.” 

Janus didn’t say a word.

“And, of course, I ran a background check on you.” Logan scoffed. “Nothing. No records. Like you just hypothetically popped into existence one day. Strange, right?” He chuckled dryly. “I brought this concern up to the others, why wouldn’t I?” 

“And yet you still all let me join the team?” Janus smirked beneath his mask. “You really are fools.”

“The only reason we let you join is because The Duke said we could trust you.” Logan furrowed his brow. “And Paranoia agreed, and then Princey, and what were Morality and I supposed to do? We’d been outvoted.” He shook his head. “I thought you’d done something to them at first. They aren’t the trusting type, so how did you sway them so easily?” 

Janus frowned in confusion. They aren’t?

“And then, Morality and I worked with you for the first time.” Logan looked away. “And we finally understood.” When he met Janus’ gaze again, he looked like he was holding back tears. “You’re you.” 

Janus didn’t know what that meant, yet his heart began to pound nonetheless. 

“And maybe we’re a bunch of fools for believing in you.” Logan snorted humorlessly. “But you’re a good hero, Deceit.” He whispered it earnestly, not a hint of doubt in his eyes. “And you’re a part of our family.” 

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