Chapter 26

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“Let’s go bowling!” Janus exclaimed, bursting into Remus’ bedroom the next day. 

He paused, staring at the hero.

Remus was curled up in his blankets, staring blankly at the door. He glanced up at Janus, a dead look in his eyes. “What?” 

Janus frowned, closing the door and sitting down on the hero’s bed. “Are you alright?” He asked softly, feeling his forehead. Remus tensed up at the touch, before he released a breath and relaxed. “Are you sick?” 

“No. I’m fine.” Remus’ voice was oddly flat, and his eyes shifted back to staring at the wall. “Don’t worry about me.” 

Janus’ frown deepened. “Should I go get Roman?” 

Remus didn’t say anything for a moment. “Did you say bowling?” He questioned, though his tone didn’t perk up.

“I--Yeah, I did.” Janus nodded. “I’ve never done that before.” 

“Did we go out yesterday?” Remus’ brow furrowed slightly.

“Yes. To the amusement park, remember? We hung out with the Picanis.” Janus ran his fingers through Remus’ hair. 

Remus gave a noncommittal hum in response, brow still furrowed. “I...I think I’d like to go bowling.” 

“I don’t know if that’s a good idea.” Janus frowned. “You seem--” 

The door slammed open. 

Roman stood there, glowering at his brother. “What the fuck is wrong with you?!” He shouted. 

Janus bristled. “Wha--?” 

“Are you fucking stupid, Remus?! Why would you say that?!” Roman continued, completely ignoring Janus. 

“What did I say, Ro?” Remus questioned flatly.

“Don’t play stupid!” Roman growled. “God, you’re always such a nuisance!” He stepped closer. “Why the hell do we bother keeping you around?!” 

Janus furrowed his brow. “What the fuck, Roman? Why would you say that?” 

“You act like an idiot all the time, you can barely control your powers, and you annoy the shit out of all of us!” Roman pressed on. “You are such a fucking waste of space!” 

Janus stood up. “What the fuck is wrong with you?! You’re being a jackass!” He stepped closer to Roman. “Remus isn’t an idiot, he isn’t annoying in the slightest, and he can control his illusions better than you can control yours!” He countered. “Sit the fuck down, Princey!” 

Roman didn’t say anything for a moment.

Then, his form flickered, and he was suddenly gone. 

The door was suddenly closed as well, like it had never been open in the first place.

Janus furrowed his brow. “Wha--?” 

"I knew it.” Remus sighed, sitting up. 

Janus frowned in confusion. “Did you make that?” He asked Remus, pointing to where the illusion had been standing just moments prior. 

Remus thought about it. “Well, yes and no.” He shrugged. 

Janus narrowed his eyes. “What does that mean?” 

Remus hummed. “Well--” 

The door opened hesitantly. It was Roman. “Is everything alright? I heard yelling.” 

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