Chapter 10

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“Well, you are useful, after all.” Gothel closed the briefcase, smirking at him.

Ratcliffe snarled at her. “You’re lucky I even gave it to you in the first place.”

“Yeah, yeah.” Gothel rolled her eyes, giving the briefcase to one of the Stabbington brothers. “A pleasure doing business with you, John.” She winked.

Ratcliffe laughed, peering back at the suitcase full of cash. “No, the pleasure is all mine.”

“Come on, boys.” Gothel called, turning around. 

The twins immediately followed her, and Janus was nearly left behind.

Gothel released a deep sigh. “God, that man is a piece of work.” She spat. 

Janus turned to the twin who was holding the bomb. “I can carry it.” He said.

The brother rose a brow. “Do I look like I need help?” He spoke with a gravelly voice.

“Well, no.” Janus pursed his lips, quickly coming up with a lie. “I just feel kinda useless. Figured I need something to do.” 

The man hummed, unimpressed. “You just wanna put in a good word for yourself with Ms. De Vil.”

Janus felt a prick of annoyance. Who did this guy think he was? Did he really think Janus was easy to read?

“And you’re saying you don’t want to do the same?” Janus rose a brow. “I mean, that’s why you’re carrying it, right?”

“Janus,” Logan spoke through the headset, “you shouldn’t try and start a fight.” 

"What did you just say?" The man growled.

“I know what I’m doing.” Janus murmured, too quiet for the twin to hear, but loud enough for Logan to hear. “I mean, that’s the only way you can be useful to Ms. Gothel, yeah? Being her personal handmaid.”

“That’s not true.” The Stabbington brother growled. “I’m useful in plenty of other ways.”

“Oh, like what? Being good at combat?” Janus scoffed. “Mr. Stabbington,” he gave the guy a cold look, “do you really think she needed two of you?”

The man stiffened, eyes snapping to his brother, who was engaged in idle chatter with Gothel. 

“Your brother is good at combat too, yeah?” Janus tilted his head. “I’m sure he knows that Gothel only needs one Stabbington brother. I bet he wants it to be him.” Janus was purely guessing now, based on what he had picked up from their body language. 

“That--” He cut himself off, scowling a bit. “He’s trying to get rid of me. He’s always trying to get rid of me!” He snarled. “Take it,” He handed the bomb to Janus, “I need to have a little chat with my brother.” He walked forward, eyes dark.

“Ooh, yikes.” Janus let out a low whistle.

“That was…” Logan murmured, “that was genius.” He told Janus. “Now all you need to do is find an opportunity to slip away.” 

Janus hesitated.

If he slipped away with the bomb, that would serve as a win for the heroes. However, if he didn’t slip away, he would be helping his mother’s plan. What would she want him to do? 

She needed the bomb, no doubt. She had no way of knowing that Janus knew about it. She would want the bomb.

He had to blow his cover.

Janus began pretending to slip away, reverting back to his original form. “I’ve shifted back.” He informed Logan. 

“Get out of there quickly and quietly.” Logan told him. “Be careful.”

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