Chapter 22

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Janus was lying on the couch, scrolling through his phone.

It had been a few days since he came out of his room, and he hadn’t been in there much since. He wanted to stay outside his room for as long as possible, so he could spend as much time with the heroes as possible, before…

Well, before the inevitable.

He was reading a few articles about himself, journalists were speculating on who his favorite member of the League of Heroes was. Answers varied greatly. Some said Patton, some said Remus, some said Logan. Every member had been accused of being his favorite, and Janus found the whole thing quite amusing.

“Jan?” Remus poked his head into the room. “Hey, you hungry? Virge is gonna order a pizza.” 

“Starving, actually.” Janus sat up, giving Remus a smile. “You have impeccable timing, I was about to get a snack.”

“I try.” Remus shrugged, giving him a wink. “Oh!” He lit up. “Guess what premiered last night?” 

Janus had a feeling he already knew the answer, but he played dumb anyways. “What?”

“'Rising of the Insatiable One: The Eternal Thirst.'” Remus grinned, excitement causing him to bounce in place. “It’s in theaters! We have to go see it!” 

“Well, we could go see it tonight.” Janus offered. “There’s a theater not far from here.”

“Movie theaters are always terribly overpriced, especially if the movie was just released.” Logan murmured, walking into the room with his head in a book. 

“Which means they are the height of luxury!” Remus chirped, walking fully into the room.

“That is...not true.” Logan glanced at him, sitting down next to Janus on the couch. He was sitting awfully close, a habit that all of them seemed to have picked up ever since Janus’ return. Sitting close, as if to solidify in their minds that he was physically present.

“Not with that attitude.” Remus rolled his eyes, placing a hand on his hip. Logan seemed confused by that answer, but didn’t say anything. “We definitely have to go see it! Please, Lo?”

“Why are you asking me?” Logan furrowed his brow. “I’m not your parent.” 

“You basically are, since you’re like a mother-hen.” Janus commented, Remus nodding in agreement.

“Wha--Mother-hen?” Logan asked incredulously, stiffening. “D-Do I look like a chicken to you?!”

“Patton is like our dad, and you’re like our mom.” Remus barreled on, ignoring Logan’s sudden alarm. “Virgil is the angsty teen, Roman and I are the middle schoolers, and Janus is like the cool uncle.” 

"I'll take it." Janus shrugged.

“Anyway, I’ll go ask around and then buy the tickets.” Remus turned to walk back into the hallway. “You both will be there?”

"Of course." Janus nodded.

“Naturally.” Logan went back to reading his book. 

“Maybe we can go to a pizza place instead of ordering. It’s been awhile since we last went out.” Remus hummed. “Thanks, guys!” He called over his shoulder, disappearing into the hallway.

Janus went back to looking at the article on his phone, curious as to who this journalist thought was his favorite. 

Logan noticed the article, glancing away from his book. “I’ve read that one.” 

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