Origin: Roman

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Ok so,

Before I began writing this book, I created an origin story for each of the heroes.

By origin, I mean the moment they gained their powers (or discovered them, in some cases.)

Their backstories themselves are stored inside my big beautiful brain.

The moment they gained their powers is actually written down, though!

So, since they were sat in a google doc, collecting dust, I decided I might as well publish them. There are five total, for each member of the League of Heroes.

I will publish them in the order that Janus met them. They'll come out every once and awhile.

Cool? Cool.

Here we go:

In all honesty, Roman wasn’t a bad kid.

Sure, sometimes he was a bit stubborn, a bit headstrong, and maybe a bit reckless. Compared to his twin brother, though? Roman was practically a saint! 

He was twelve years old, living in an orphanage with his twin brother, and bored out of his mind. 

Of course, living in an orphanage was bound to have that effect. Especially the one he was living in. His parents had apparently dropped the two of them off there when they were five. Roman wouldn’t know, his memories picked up when he was nine. He wouldn’t realize that was weird until he was thirteen. 

Remus and Roman had always been a peculiar pair of brothers. With the both of them being identical twins, yet completely different. 

Where Roman was stubborn, Remus just let things happen. Where Roman was headstrong, Remus would attract the problems to him. The only thing they had in common was that they were both extremely reckless.

Despite that, they got along perfectly.

“I’m just saying, Ro.” Remus pouted, draping himself across his twin brother’s lap. “I could’ve taken that guy.”

“No, you could not have.” Roman rolled his eyes. “He was a foot taller than you.”

"Hey, Remus!"

The twins both looked up.

It was the eighth graders, their upperclassmen. Roman and Remus thought they were annoying, the eighth graders didn’t like the lack of respect.

They had taken to messing with the twins, though they always did it one at a time. Roman wasn’t sure why, he could tell they weren’t sure why either.

“Looks like it’s your turn.” Roman mumbled to Remus, who snorted in return. 

“What can I do for you?” Remus asked, standing up and facing the eighth graders. 

“We found out.” The one in the front grinned at Remus, who eyed them calmly.

"Found out what?"

“That someone wants to adopt Roman, and not you!” The one next to the leader laughed. “We overheard the mistress talking about it with a man!” 

Remus’ brow furrowed. “What?” He glanced at Roman, who frowned.

“What are you talking about?” Roman asked. 

“This morning, a man came into the orphanage. He said that he wanted to adopt you!” One of the girls said. “The mistress said that you had a twin brother, and he said that he didn’t want two, just one.” 

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