Origin: Virgil

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There was a darkness inside of him.

Virgil could never really explain what the darkness was exactly. He found that ignoring the hollow feeling in his chest worked for him. No one needed to know. 

There was a darkness inside of him.

He knew this as the other kids avoided him. It wasn’t like they were completely at fault. He made no effort to reach out to them either. Still, they treated him like he was invisible usually. Like he didn’t exist. 

He knew this as nightmares plagued him every night. Nightmares of people submitting to him against their will. Nightmares of people killing each other at his word alone. Nightmares of the other children’s bodies lying in a pile, as he sat atop them like it was a throne.

He knew this as his parents regarded him like an animal. They were scared of him, he knew, though he couldn’t tell you why. He was just a kid, what could he do?

There was a darkness inside of him.

His parents spoke in hushed whispers about him. Virgil heard it when they thought he was asleep. They sounded terrified, regarding him as if he was a monster that had broken into their house. 

“We have to do something about him.”

"I know, okay?!"

“You are putting us all at risk by letting that boy live!” 

“He’s still a child! Maybe we can--”

“It’s only a matter of time before h. discovers the truth. If you won’t do something about him, I will.”

They don’t talk about that night much. They don’t talk about how Virgil woke up the next morning to his mother’s hands wrapped around his neck. They don’t talk about how his father had to pry her off of him. They don’t talk about how he hid the bruise with a turtleneck for a week.

There was a darkness inside of him.

Maybe he should’ve realized that it was impossible for him to live a normal life, then. Maybe he should’ve run away. 

This is how his life ended.

Everyone was being particularly loud. Too loud, in Virgil’s opinion. Louder than usual. 

This is how his life ended.

It was recess. Virgil sat underneath a tree, hands clutched over his ears. 

This is how his life ended.

Kids who never talked to him were asking him if he was okay, apparently noticing his state. The teachers were there too, trying to get him to communicate.

This is how his life ended.

It was too much. Too loud. Too close. 

He just wanted them to be quiet. 

He just wanted them to--

Shut up!” He screamed. 

And then quiet.

He sat there, enjoying the blissful silence for just a moment. He dared to look into the faces of those around him, and instantly wished he hadn’t.

Horrified faces. Mouths open with no words coming out. Hands on throats to try and figure out what’s wrong.

Virgil’s eyes widened. This was just like his nightmares. They were looking at him like the corpses in his dreams. 

“...What?” He murmured, trying to make sense of what just happened. Their eyes all snapped to him. He could talk, they realized. “Why aren’t you--? Say something!” Virgil exclaimed. 

Did he do this?

What did he do? What did he do?! 

They were all staring at him, an anger growing in the adults’ eyes as the children began to cry silently. They were blaming him, it seemed. They knew that he was responsible for what had happened to them. 

Virgil shot to his feet quickly, backing away from them. The adults stood up as well, advancing towards him with a promise in their eyes. Virgil felt his tears begin to build up in his eyes. 

“Please--I didn’t mean to!” He insisted, though none of them seemed swayed by that. “I-I don’t know how to fix this! I-I--” 

One man shot a hand out to grab him.

“D-Don’t move!” He yelled, recoiling away. 

They all froze.

Virgil gasped, a hand coming up to cover his mouth. “Wait--No! I didn’t mean--!” He shook his head, rushing towards the adults. “You can move! You can move!” 

They didn’t move, not even their eyes. They all remained focused on the spot Virgil had been standing in.

“How did I--?! I didn’t--!” He couldn’t breathe. “I don’t know how to fix this!” He cried. “Please! Move!” 

They remained still.

Virgil had never felt more alone. He felt like the only human among statues. The silence was no longer comforting, but instead oppressive and tense. 

Even the children had frozen where they stood, only the tears streaming down their faces moving. 

Virgil caught his reflection in the window of the school. 

He looked into his own eyes and only saw the face of a monster. His eyes were dark, dark, dark brown. Darker than they were when he left this morning, though he couldn’t tell if that was because of the storm of emotions inside of him or from his own imagination. 

His mother was right. He was a danger to everyone.

He remembered his nightmares. The person he would grow up to be.

What had he done?

He ran. He ran from his home, from his parents, from his school. He didn’t dare slow down, not sure whether or not anyone would follow him.

That was how his life ended.

There was a darkness inside of him. 

Virgil was nine when he discovered what it was.


Just face it. My AU!Virgils will never have a mother that is alive or good.

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