Chapter 33

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Janus had a dream that night.

Honestly, he was surprised that he even got any sleep. He had been so overwhelmed by his guilt by the time he got back to the villains’ lair. He had thought he would be tossing and turning all night.

But no, he fell asleep.

When he opened his eyes, he was in the living room of the heroes’ building, standing just in front of the orange couch. 


Janus paled, whirling around. 

Remus was sitting on the couch, smiling at him mirthlessly. His green eyes had lost their light, the color dimming to a murky gray. He had bruises all over his face, and his suit was in tatters. 

And, oh god, the blood.

There was a large wound in the center of Remus’ chest, large enough to be fatal. It was bleeding heavily, but the hero didn’t even seem to care. A small stream of blood was also leaking from the corner of his mouth.

Remus barked out a harsh laugh, one that Janus had never heard come from someone as bright as him. “Look at you!” He grinned bitterly. “You’ve choked on your hubris.”

“This isn’t real.” Janus murmured, backing away slightly. “You--Y-You’re--”

“Dead?” Was whispered into Janus’ ear. 

He spun, and suddenly Not-Remus was right behind him. He looked back towards the couch, seeing it empty. 

Not-Remus tilted his head, his soulless eyes staring down at Janus. “I know. You killed me.” He giggled. “And wow, you’ve been busy, haven’t you? The bunker, gone in just a mere moment. Who knows how many died in the explosion?” He shrugged. “I bet Roman knows. He was there, wasn’t he?” 

Janus’ breath hitched, eyes widening. “I--I didn’t know that--” 

“Yeah, you never know, do you?” Came from Janus’ right.

He turned, spotting Remus leaning against the wall. “What?” He mumbled.

“Why don’t you want to accept the truth, Jan-Jan?” Remus narrowed his eyes at him. “This is all your fault. We’re dead, because of you. The heroes are broken, because of you.” He laughed cruelly. “You’ve ruined them.”

“I don’t--I had just--”

“Do you really think they want to take you back?” Not-Remus raised a brow. “After everything you’ve done, they’ll just take you in with open arms?” He burst into hysterics at the thought. “The second you go back to them, you’ll learn what they really think.” 

“You bastard!” 

Janus jumped, looking behind him.

Roman, Virgil, Logan, and Patton all stood there, expressions ranging from enraged to betrayed. Roman was the one who had spoken. 

“My brother is gone! How dare you think that you deserve forgiveness?!” The Prince snarled, glaring at him with more vehemence than Janus thought possible. 

“I knew it was too good to be true.” Virgil scoffed, looking away from him. “And to think, we had really loved you once.” 

“We’re going to lock you up for a long time, a terrorist like you shouldn’t be walking around so freely.” Logan sneered coldly. 

“I don’t have my powers anymore.” Patton shook his head, on the verge of tears. “I’m useless. You made me useless, Janus.” 

“N-No--I--You’re not--”

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