Chapter 23

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They decided to just eat the pizza in the car, since eating anywhere else didn’t seem to be a good idea. 

“The pizza isn’t even that good.” Remus said, idly chewing on his slice. “We could’ve just ordered one, it would’ve been better.”

“Too much cheese.” Patton nodded in agreement. “I can’t even taste the tomato sauce.” 

Janus didn’t say anything, since this was probably the first time he had pizza in his entire life. He thought it was a bit salty, honestly. It could’ve been worse, though. He would know. His mother didn’t let him eat more than once per day when he first spoke against her, and the food she gave him was either rotten or poisoned.

“Maybe it was because we rushed them.” Logan shrugged. 

“Probably, now that I think about it.” Roman sighed. “Usually their food is better than this.” 

“Well, maybe we’ll get better service if we show up in our hero uniforms.” Virgil huffed. “I’m sure that’ll get us a good pizza.”

“That’s an exploitation of power, Vee.” Patton frowned.

“Why give me power if I’m not allowed to exploit it?” Virgil winked, causing Roman to shove him.

“I’m really sorry.” Janus shook his head. “I’m the reason we had to rush.”

“Nonsense.” Logan hummed. “We would’ve had to rush anyways, since the movie starts in half an hour.”

What?!” Remus’ eyes widened. “I thought it started at 7!”

“It does.” Logan nodded. “It’s 6:30.”

Remus sputtered. “Well, we gotta go! The theater is thirty minutes away!” He cried, already buckling in his seatbelt.

Patton blinked. “ know I can teleport, right? So can the car, Logan designed it for me.” 

“How does that work?” Janus asked, tilting his head.

Logan shrugged.

“So, we have time?” Remus murmured, seeming embarrassed about his earlier outburst. “Well, that’s a relief.”

“I’m not eager to go watch it.” Roman shuddered.

“Don’t worry, Ro!” Patton ruffled his hair. “You have five strong heroes who will protect you!”

“I--!” Roman turned bright red. “I don’t need protection! I-I just meant that the movie is going to be so boring, that’s why I don’t wanna sit through it!” He stammered.

“Whatever you say, Princey.” Virgil rolled his eyes.

“Let’s hope there are no highschool proms. I don’t want Janny to be scarred for life.” Remus shook his head solemnly. 

Janus sighed. He was never going to live that down, huh?

“Rem, be nice.” Patton shot him a look.

“Oh, come on! I was being nice!” Remus whined. “I was simply looking out for my dear friend, Janus.” 

“Thanks.” Janus said dryly. “At least the movie theater is dark.” He murmured, humming.

“And popcorn!” Remus cheered, pumping a fist in the air. He accidentally punched the ceiling of the car, causing him to hiss and hold his hand. 

“I don’t think I’ve had popcorn before.” Janus admitted.

WHAT?!” They all exclaimed at the same time.

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