Chapter 7

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Janus felt great!

He had officially met all the members of the League of Heroes, and to make things better, he knew all of their real names too! 

They trusted him, it seemed. He quietly chuckled to himself. That would be their downfall. 

Now, all he had to do was find a way to join their team. That would be a bit difficult. He needed a plan. What would the League of Heroes possibly need him for? His powers were more stealth oriented, but he had guns and twenty years of training under his belt. 

Wait, he had an idea.

He chuckled wickedly to himself. He had another call to make.


The heroes had given him a communicator with which he could contact them on. He kept it strapped onto his belt at all times. So, after making his call, it was only about a day before the heroes were calling him.

He answered with a smile on his face. “Hello?”

“Janus.” Logan’s voice greeted him. “We need your help.”

“Yeah?” Janus hummed, sitting down from his spot on the roof. “You guys are the League of Heroes! What could I possibly help you with?”

“We received an anonymous tip.” Logan told him. “Someone called last night and said that Cruella De Vil has been up to something. Apparently some big plans are waiting in her office.”

That had been Janus who called, naturally. He frowned a bit. Maybe he should have asked Ms. De Vil before he used her name like that. 

“Cruella De Vil? The designer? I wasn’t aware she was a criminal.” Janus feigned confusion.

“Most people aren’t.” Logan hummed. “Her public image is spotless, few know about her workings with the mafia, and the deals she’s made with people like the Dragon Witch.”

“Well, okay. How can I help?” Janus asked.

“We need you to sneak into her building and find out what these ‘plans’ are.” Logan told him. “Patton and Remus will be on standby a little bit away, so don’t worry about that. You have shapeshifting powers, yes? That’s why you’re the most suited for this job.”

Janus smirked. “I really get to work with you guys?” He released a fake gasp. 

“Yes. Are you up for it?” 

“Definitely.” Janus told him, smirk turning into a devilish grin. “When do you want me to break in?”


Janus had disguised himself as a regular civilian for now. He glanced to the roof of a nearby building, where Remus gave him a thumbs up and Patton nodded eagerly at him. 

He sighed. This was going to be a bit difficult. 

He hadn’t told Ms. De Vil that he would be coming today. It was too late, now. Hopefully, he wouldn’t get caught. 

Janus walked back and forth in front of the building, waiting for his cue. 

A guard walked out of the building, on his lunch break. 

Janus grinned. Perfect.

He walked up to the guard. “Excuse me, sir.” He cleared his throat to gain his attention. The guard turned to him, raising a brow. 

“What is it?”

“There’s something behind the building that looked really suspicious, I think it was a bomb!” He whisper-yelled. “I was going to call the cops, but I wasn’t sure. Do you think you could check it out for me?”

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