Chapter 15

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^^^ Me: Do I have a favorite book I'm working on? No! Of course not! I love them all equally 💕

Janus quickly discovered that being a member of the League of Heroes didn't require much effort. He spent most of his days doing absolutely nothing, while one of the others went to stop the latest crime. There was never a time where all six of them needed to go stop something.

Well, that would certainly change soon.

"JANUS!" Remus squawked, sprinting into the room. He dove behind the couch Janus was sitting on, pale and trembling. "Hide me!"

"From what?" Janus asked, confused as to what could spook the hero so badly.

Loud footsteps slowly stomped their way towards the living room, and Remus released a squeak as he quickly ducked down.

An absolutely furious Virgil entered the room, a penis drawn in marker on his forehead.

Janus had to slap a hand over his mouth to keep his laughter in. "Oh my--"

"Where is he?" Virgil growled, posture making him look like he was about to pounce.

Janus paled, immediately pointing behind the couch.

Suddenly, the couch began to float. Logan walked in at that moment, a penis also drawn on his forehead. His hand was outstretched toward the couch, but his eyes were staring at Remus in a rage.

"Come here." Virgil said simply, and Remus had stood up and walked over before Janus could blink.

The couch was gently put back on the ground, and Janus made himself comfortable.

"Okay, listen." Remus tried to reason with them. "I know this looks bad."

He paused, as if waiting for one of them to cut in. They didn't, only staring at him with cold eyes.

Remus gulped, paling a bit more. "I was--You see, I didn't--How do you know it was me?" He asked.

"Who else would it be? Janus?" Logan pointed at the boy sitting on the couch. "Patton and Roman have been out on a mission since yesterday."

"Janus, did you do this?" Virgil rose a brow at him.

"I would never." Janus shrugged, snorting at the betrayed glare Remus sent him.

Logan silently pulled out two markers, handing one to Virgil. Remus stiffened, slowly beginning to back away from them. "Wait, we can talk about this--"

They uncapped the markers in unison.

Remus screamed.

He quickly grabbed Janus' arm and pulled him off the couch, placing him in between the two angry heroes and himself. "Meat shield!" He exclaimed.

He grabbed the sides of Janus' torso to block them.

A startled laugh escaped Janus.

The other three people in the room froze, looking at him with wide eyes.

Janus glanced between them, a bit confused by their sudden silence. "Guys?" He asked, clearing his throat nervously.

After a few moments of silence, Remus suddenly squeezed Janus' sides, causing another laugh to come spilling out of him.

Janus furrowed his brow. What the hell just happened to him?

"Jan~" Remus purred, smirking at him. "Are you ticklish?"

"No." Janus answered automatically. In truth, he didn't know. He hadn't received many tickles in his life. His mother always considered it to be too childish for him.

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