Chapter 25

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The next day, Janus woke up with a purpose.

He had one week left with the heroes, he was gonna make the most of it.

He got dressed quickly and marched out to the living room, where Logan was watching the news. 

“Hello, Janus.” He nodded. 

“I want to go out.” Janus told him plainly. Logan blinked, brow furrowing in confusion.

“I’m sorry?”

“I want to go do something. What’s something we haven’t done yet. An amusement park, maybe? We could go to one of those.” 

“Is there a reason you would like to go out?” Logan asked. “We just went out yesterday, and I was under the impression that you weren’t the biggest fan of it.” 

Janus scrambled for the first excuse he could think of. “I want a do-over." He said shortly. "If we go to an amusement park, we could go in our suits. It’ll be a treat for the kids there?” He offered.

Logan hummed. “That could be fun, actually. Not a bad idea. Perhaps we could do it tomorrow--”

“We should do it today.” Janus interjected. “I want to do something else tomorrow.” 

Logan frowned. “Well, I was thinking we should try and figure out what the villains are up to today. If they’ve given us a notice, I believe it is very important--”

“I want to spend time with all of you before that. Y’know, just in case something happens.” Janus shrugged sheepishly. “We haven’t gone out much.”

“I suppose you’re right.” Logan sighed, looking away in thought. After few seconds, he grabbed the remote and turned the television off. “Fine, go and see if the others are willing to go. I’ll go put my suit on.” With that, he stood up and left the living room. 


Needless to say, they were all on board. 

They entered the park (which had the strange name of ‘Sandersland’) and Janus beheld the sight of hundreds of people walking about, some holding toys or food. It was more people than he had ever seen. 

There were also games, rides, and buildings that seemed too fantastical to be real. Janus had never seen anything like it in his life. 

People gave them glances, but not like the judgemental ones in the restaurant. These were in awe and quiet admiration. After all, it wasn’t everyday that all six members of the League of Heroes were seen together. The man selling the park tickets almost fainted at the sight of them.

“It’s been so long since I’ve been to one of these!” Remus chirped, bouncing up and down. “Deceit, do you like rollercoasters?!” He turned to him, grinning brightly. 

Janus shrugged. “I dunno. I’ve never been on one.” He admitted, glancing up at the huge contraption in front of them. 

The ride was big and red, with huge rails, loops, turns, and angles Janus didn’t think were possible. A car zoomed across the tracks at a high speed, full of screaming people.

Janus paled at the thought of getting on that death trap.

“They’re so fun!” Remus told him, grabbing onto his arm. “We have to go on one! Right, Paranoia?!” He looked at Virgil.

Virgil blanched, quickly looking away. “Uh--You can, maybe, but I’m not going.” 

A cheeky expression made its way onto Remus’ face. “What? You scared?” He asked teasingly.

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