Chapter 31

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The heroes (minus Patton) all went on patrol that night, due to public demand that they take action. Logan had quickly acquiesced, not wanting their reputation to suffer anymore damage. 

Ms. Libelle, seeing this, demanded Janus go and deliver the heroes a gift.

And who was he to not oblige?

That was how he found himself approaching The Prince as he stood on a rooftop, watching the passing cars. “Hello, Deceit.” He murmured, not even turning to look at him. 

“Princey.” Janus croaked. “How did you know it was me?” 

Roman didn’t reply. 

Janus took a deep breath. Now wasn’t the time to get cold feet. “Eventful day, hm? I saw your little interview. Tense.” He forced out a laugh, stepping a bit closer. 

“What do you want?” The words were icy, and Janus’ mouth instantly felt dry. It seems Princey wasn’t in the mood for banter, and honestly, Deceit wasn’t either. 

“I brought you a present.”

He tossed it at the hero’s feet. Roman didn’t flinch. All he did was turn slightly, glancing down at it.

It was Remus’ mace. 

Roman’s fists clenched. 

Janus forced out a cold chuckle. “It’s the least I can do, right? Wouldn’t want his corpse being the only thing you have left of him.” The words were vile on his tongue. He forced himself to stick to the script. “We took it from him before we tied him up, y’know. We didn’t want him fighting back.” 

Roman didn’t say anything, still just staring at the mace.

Janus felt uneasy. “I contemplated keeping it, but that felt just a little too cruel.” He tilted his head in a condescending manner. “Seeing the life drain out of his eyes is enough for me.” 

Roman’s eyes snapped to Janus, making him tense involuntarily.

I want to kill you.” 

Janus felt a shiver go through his entire body. There was no particular emotion in Roman’s voice when he said it, which somehow made it impossibly worse. Janus remained silent.

“I’m so furious with you, I don’t even know what to do with myself.” Roman continued. “It’s taking all of my self-control to not beat you to death right now.”

Janus swallowed, before forcing himself to speak. “What’s stopping you?” His voice was just a little too shaky.

“...He would tell me not to.” Roman mumbled blankly, gaze drifting back to the mace. “He would insist I wasn’t thinking clearly, that I would regret it.” He chuckled dryly. “That it was just my temper getting the better of me.” 

No clarification was needed. Janus knew exactly who he was talking about. 

“And he would say that because he loved you.” Roman met Janus’ eyes again. “Because I do too. Do you know what that’s like? Loving someone so fiercely, but also wanting to tear them to shreds?” He turned, stepping closer to Janus, who backed away. “It’s maddening.” 

“Stop loving me then.” Janus murmured, heart racing. 

“It’s not that simple.” Roman told him, one hand resting on his sheath. “I wish it was, but it isn’t. I get the feeling you understand that.” 

Janus was silent for a moment. “...I thought you said our next meeting wouldn’t be so friendly.”

“If this is your idea of friendly, I’d hate to see your definition of hostile.” Roman scoffed.

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