Chapter 11

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Virgil, Patton, Logan, and Janus all drove back in Virgil’s car. Usually, Patton would have just teleported them back, but they couldn’t just leave Vee’s car. (Then again, why didn’t they just teleport in the first place?) Roman and Remus flew back themselves.

Logan drove, since it was a bit obvious that Virgil was in no state to.

He and Patton lay asleep in the back, while Logan and Janus sat in the front. 

“You did good.” Logan murmured. 

“I didn’t get the bomb.” Janus crossed his arms anxiously.

“You tried to, and that’s what matters.” Logan nodded firmly. “This isn’t over. They’ve only added another element to the playing field.” 

“A dangerous element.” Janus muttered, looking out the window. “A bomb specifically requested by the Dragon Witch can’t be good.”

Why would his mother need a bomb? She was powerful, she didn’t need a bomb. 

“Janus,” Logan spoke up, “we need to talk when we get back. All six of us.”

Janus rose a brow, looking back over at Logan. “Should I be nervous?”

“No,” Logan shook his head, “you should be excited.”


They woke Virgil and Patton up when they got to the base. 

Now, all of them were in the living room. Janus was sitting on the couch, while all the heroes stood in a semi circle around him. 

It was a bit intimidating, considering the fact that all of them were in their suits. They looked like a real superhero team. They were, so that made sense.

“We’ve been thinking.” Logan began. “Usually, we would wait a few months to do this, but we like you. So--”

“Do you wanna join the League of Heroes?!” Roman blurted out, grinning brightly at him. Logan shot him an annoyed look. 

“What?” Janus’ eyes widened, though they couldn’t see it through his mask. “Really?”

“Yes, really!” Patton giggled. “We can already tell, you’ll be a great addition to the team! You’ve already helped us so much!” 

“Me joining the league? That’s--wow.” Janus nodded, feigning surprise. “Can I?”

“Well, we wouldn’t have asked if you couldn’t.” Virgil snorted, though Janus could see that he was eager to know what Janus’ reply would be.

“We can do so many things together!” Remus clapped. “We can try gross foods, and play pranks, and watch movies, and--!”

“So?” Logan interrupted Remus. “What do you think?”

What did Janus think?

“I would love to!” He nodded. “Is that alright?”

Patton squealed, rushed over, and took Janus up in a big hug. A large grin broke out on both of the twins’ faces, while Logan and Virgil’s smiles were a bit more subdued.

Janus thought this was too easy.


The League of Heroes hosted a press conference the next day.

“I hate going to these.” Remus groaned to Janus while they were waiting for the rest of the League to put on their suits. The two of them were in the living room, sitting on the couch. “It’s always so boring! They ask us lame questions, and then twist our answers to fit whatever narrative they want!” He rolled his eyes.

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